View Poll Results: Can special abilities can be related with each other and can be useful?

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  • Yes,But under some condition

    5 62.50%
  • No,It is totally wrong

    3 37.50%
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Thread: Top eleven survey v2

  1. #1
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Jan 2016

    Top eleven survey v2

    Hi friends,
    I am back with another survey.Anyways I did'nt got much support in first one'lets hope this time.

    Survey question:Special ability adds special skills to player.If we want to relate special abilities with each other,then can corner kick specialist prove to be nice FK taker?Can a dribbler be realted with one on soccer?Can shadow striker be realted with free kick ability or plenty kick ability?

    Suppose if a team does not have required ability,Can other ability replace it?If it can then please answer in comment.

    Suppose a team have two strikers,one is young(18 yrs) and other is elder(30 yrs).If young one is one on one striker and elder is corner kick specialist.If we assume attacking skills of both players to be same.The who can be best free kick taker?
    Did you got my question?I hope you understand my survey objective.

    Best answer for survey question will be displayed here later given by you<<<here
    Last edited by Abhinavsharma; 03-01-2016 at 06:59 PM.
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  2. #2
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Jan 2016
    Any answer guys?
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I am sorry that I cannot help. This is an advance question that I have not studied at all. Moreover, I am not sure if I really understand the question. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    i think....maybe or maybe maker maybe good at least it will show the logo out to mention him kick the ball if score.... and one-on-one stopper will show at PK...when the time he save it...

    well...then.... i don't can count anything related to FK....cause even FK skill will not score 100% (and this maybe lead back to CK...even CK skill will not make you score 10/10 times) how can you compare one-on-one & CK skill for a FK situation to see which one is better (or a play maker vs other skill in CK) ? because some skills also related to how strong you opposites are data can be actually available ....
    Last edited by Ahlony Wong; 03-02-2016 at 04:14 AM.
    Abhinavsharma likes this.

  5. #5
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    I think any player can do well from setpieces at any time, it's the frequency of success that separates quality players from average ones.
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  6. #6
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoofDaddy View Post
    I think any player can do well from setpieces at any time, it's the frequency of success that separates quality players from average ones.
    Idea ruled out!
    Reason:Not relevant to survey.
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  7. #7
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    No expert can answer this?
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  8. #8
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    Yeah I was slightly OT. From my experience, I would say that CK specialists take better FKs than 1v1 players.
    Arion likes this.
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  9. #9
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Do you believe at all in SA? What makes you think that they are not just visual? Because I play this game over 40 seasons and have not seen evidence that SA really work.
    Gert Funck likes this.

  10. #10
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    yes I've had many either footed MCs that went from being unable to score to scoring 1 FK in every 2 games. If the opponent has 2 Dwall SAs though, its a Q battle. SAs on opposing teams cancel each other out a lot, but I'd rather have and hope then have not and wonder.
    Renamed to Bolton Wanderers Season 27.
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