Play normaly and wait for results.
Play attacking and try your best
Play defending and counterattack.
Play as per you played at start.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
Of course go out attack and try my best to score
if you are already behind your opponent with few goals, it doesn't make sense to stay in defense and play with counter attack cause your opponent will not attack like before since he he already scored
The problem is you won't have enough time in match to make changes you want or anything,9 minutes is too short
final strategy depends on how your results is getting during the match, if and how your opponent is taking part to the match,etc.
Let's suppose you are winning 1-0 and your opponent switches to an offensive strategy to recover result.
In this case you should:
1) make substitution if and where you think it's required
2) use a normal or defensive strategy with counterattack to save energy and improve result.
But if you already are defensive,and new opponent strategy seems to be a danger for your result,
you may whish to try a normal or offensive strategy,to force opponent mc to be defensive,
of course,avoid long pass not to give them counterattack.
If your opponent lost one or more players while trying recover,then you
may try to keep on using or switch to an offensive strategy,but be carefull to opponent countearattack.
if opponent is much lower or dismissed,but your team is so tired to exploit the situation
(it sometimes happens,expecially if you overtrain your players during training sessions),
make all substitutions possible and keep on being offensive.
Also consider that risk is behind the corner anyway,as opponents and matches are not always the same
Last edited by Matteo de Clemente; 03-11-2016 at 09:51 AM.
Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..