Congrats Sweed... I have a 30 percent advantage in my Champions League final between me and my season 2 treble... It may be easier early on, but I'll take the treble now because I may not have another shot... Good Luck!
So CL final today.
After careful thinking i decided to start in a defensive formation with defensive tactics. This was a difficult decision because 1 had to put a very well performing player on the bench. This player is with me from the start and has done a lot of good work the last seasons. So he was a bit dissapointed. Norevik is his name. Great guy.
Well the lineup for the final
The game
So regular time didn't bring a winner extra time was needed. I made some changes and in the 100 minute i brought Norevik. You know the guy i was telling about earlier........
Great Guy!!!
Well at the end this was the score
So that's part two.
During this season i had my up and downs with Davies our Goalie. Lack of moral, bad matches,etc. All the recommended players i had where goalkeepers.
Many times i stood on the edge of selling Davies but i am training him for four seasons and couldn't sell him. So i kept him and gues what....
So for part three of the treble is the leaque. These are the standing in the leaque
Still two matches to come and i just need 1 point to get the first place.
In some other areas here on the forum managers are talking about playing top four at the end of the competition. Well tonight This is the game for me.
So on paper part three is the easy part you can say... but it is still T11 so........
Last edited by Sweed Mind; 04-01-2016 at 01:42 PM.
Congrats Sweed! Lock it up tonight.
AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.
A good defence is the best offense.