Please read this post
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothing and pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
It's not attack 110%... it's one half of goalkeeping attributes... the other half is defence...
But what's odd that they still have the attack and defence attributes, despite the fact that the goalies have separate goalkeeping skills.
AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.
A good defence is the best offense.
quit this game (23/08/2015)
started playing again (13/03/2016)
quit this game (08/08/2016)
playing (11/12/2016)
quit this game (11/01/2017)
playing (May 2017)
quit this game (23/07/2017)
playing (22/07/2018)
quit this deceiving game (24/08/2018)
playing (02/09/2019)
Final Quit; Enough is Enough (10/12/2019)