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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: Disgraceful bug

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Honestly, I would have paid that amount to get the opportunity to replay the game. I was thinking they were going to give me 4- or 500 tokens and that it would not pay for the prejudice. So, I prefer to laugh at the 30. I think a game replay would have been fair but they probably do not want to make my token buyer opponent angry... Better be rich and healthy than poor and ill...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I feel you buddy, but trust me you won't get any, not even a green rest. You can report all you want to, but the result was clear set. You will get more frustrates with the top eleven's supporter.

    I remember back then like over a year ago. I tried for my first treble of my top eleven career. In semifinal, the first cup leg, I won 4-2 at home (opponent scored last two goal at 87', 90'). His formation was 3-5-2 flat. I was playing mind game with my opponent by lined up at 4-4-2 classic, two players out of position. However, I changed to butterfly as soon as the whistle to start the match. Here come second leg AWAY at 2:35 in the morning. So, I went to sleep with alert set of course. Before the match, as usual full rest, morale were apply 18 players (starters and 7 subs). And once again, 4-4-2 two players out of position as they ready to covert into butterfly for the battle. At 7 minute, his MC got yellow, no goal yet. Suddenly, I got black screen, then it said the server is maintaining, come back later. Still in a sleeping mood, I was panic with heart beating fast as I tried to get back in the game. Within 45 seconds which I went back to top eleven, but the damage already done. I lost 0-2, and my player was the one who got a yellow card at 67'. The normal time length of the match is about 8' in regular time. This one was last about a minute. So, I got knocked out of the cup because the away goal and the server. Instead go back sleep, I went straight to the support for help.

    After a day or two of waiting, all the negative feedbacks from them make me give up to report things to them. They will tell you that you need get your players in full conditions, this is Football, the higher rate team won't always win it all. How about replay as I have asked for it. No friend, there is no way, the system will not turn back the clock after it set the schedule. Basically, they put salt on top of my wound more than solve problem. After that day, I changed my fan club name to "GhostInTopEleven", club name to "FUT11".

    I give credit to you though; hopefully, with that great attitude you will go on and win many trebles in many upcoming season. Good luck and most importantly, enjoy the game. Do you think you can chase my record below? I know you can do it.
    Last edited by Barca FC; 05-27-2016 at 05:07 PM.
    gizzmo and Awe Imoleayo Peter like this.
    31 seasons: been there done it but have enough with the newest update

    7 trebles
    27 league titles, soon to be 28 and 3 runner-up
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    Nordeus, things are great, don't break it

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Thank you for that but it was not a wish: they indeed gave me 30 tokens, which do not change a thing to my feelings. They claim it was a server break down but it was not: all what happened in the first 60 minutes and the last 10 really happened, it was not simulated and it appear in the game sheet. Only these mad 20 minutes have been completely made up. They are trying to hide something more serious than a server error: there is something wrong with their engine and they are starting to panic over that. So many people reported recently these "ghost goals" that changed the outcome of their matches. This is always a serious issue but even worse in a case like mine.
    Concerning your records: no way i can get close to 7 trebles - missed way too many chances already.

  4. #14
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    sorry to read that my friend.
    I can understand your feelings.

    I think it's what mac said here (that ass. thing )
    Personally, i'm willing to cut nordeus a bigger break than normal with bugs this time, because I understand unintentional changes to the programming code happen when updating games and associations seem to be a really big update. But, associations better be good
    * btw, here a counter for playing vs a 4-5-1V strong team (#109)
    but if you try it and get a black cat, don't blame on me - haha
    gizzmo likes this.
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  5. #15
    Join Date
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    As a Citizen of a selfish western european country, I already felt indebted towards greek people: you are not making it any better for me with this!
    Cheers mate !

  6. #16
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gizzmo View Post
    I have no choice but to accept this. On the other hand, I now have two options: I may quit the game or try to fight back and win the treble again.
    I'll choose the second one because I find this game fun. Here, we are very tempted to report all the bad things that happened to us and forget about the good ones. Maybe once a server problem helped me winning a game without me even noticing it.
    I won the cup 6 times out of 7 finals. And this only defeat still hurts me. So what about the others I have beaten ? Maybe this game represents everything for the manager who "beat" me today with his 8 star team. And maybe would he be in total despair if he was in my position. This is just a game and it is a good representation of the manager's position: a very frustrating one as there is not much you can control where the match has started.
    Excellent attitude. I would do the same. By the way I lost my CL Final on penalties. So to lose both Finals this season on penalties after dominating both games against opponents who didn't watch their games and be denied my first treble after 32 seasons (2 tanked) is frustrating. But I'll survive. It's only a game.

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  7. #17
    Join Date
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    I can't believe this! We forum members are cursed ! Let's go: we'll do it next season mate!
    Good luck!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    This is why i sometimes don't like this game , they got loads of bugs , unreal bugs...
    but what can i do , i'm addicted to this game...
    i hope you won't get those "surprises" again...
    Good luck next season mate.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Many thanks! Good luck to you too in this exciting new season !!

  10.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #20
    Moi is offline
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    You're indeed right, and I understand the frustration that comes when issues like that happen to you. We are working hard to prevent Managers from being affected from this bug.

    I know any compensation can't minimize the inconveniences that issues like this can cause to your team, however don't hesitate to report them as it helps us to fix them faster.

    pcmacdaniel: good guessing there

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