hy all
I'm a new /old player on this game. Old because i start playing this game around 4-5 years ago or more, but i abandoned the team because playing trought facebook was very slowly(computer resources). I still have that team, it was on automantic pilot and now it is around lvl 22.
But i start playing on droid with a new team, and now i'm lvl 5.. I like some improvements in new te2016, some not. Good - On training lvl i'm lvl 45 and all phisicall are world class, i still work on others( atack and defense). Bad - lack of money, too many games in a single day.
My questions :
1. i seach all over but i can't find any advice , how to set up the ticket prices ?..
My stadium has around 10k seats but in some wining games(last season), i had zero spectators. Now , on lvl 5 maximum is 23 usd...etc... for a ticket in my league. What is the optimum price ?
2. I have a big issue in improving my team, due to lack of money. Now, i have around 5 mil, but yesterday i saw few nordgens with 8-10 mil. I cant buy any kind of players because are to expensive.I cant sell players from my team, because they are not good enough to make profit .
Any advices ?