Yesterday my goalkeeper Gordan Bank yes!"Gordan Bank" remember him? Came to me and said Boss i wanna be reconize as a goalkeeper. What you mean Gordan of course i reconize that, and always put you as a first choice.(anyway i only have one lol). No not like that he said. Then what you want Gordan.
He said" you see all our defender,midfilder,striker have a stat goal assist and goal score but me goalkeeper Nothing. Ok..ok i said next time i make you a freekick and penalty taker so you can score and have the stat. Again he said No not like that, that is not what i do. Then Gordan what exactly you want?? My job is to keep a clean sheet as a goalkeeper and i will be proud if i can have that on my stat "Clean Sheet" he said.
I just shook my head and tell him ok i will try my best to bring this up. Thank you boss he said and went off.
Poor Gordan never been recogize and alway overlook by us as a goalkeeper.
So here i am posting this humble and bull**** story of Gordan my goalkeeper.
Should a goalkeeper be reconize for the job they do for a team?
Should they have their own stat of how many cleensheet they make? or i dont know what else....?
For instant if we looking for a striker in the market we look for their quality and what else.....stat goal score goal assist motm and so on...
For a goalkeeper quality and stat 88979 the rest waste of time(i dont know).
So do you all the good manager of TE think Gordan again i repeat my Goalkeeper deserve something??
Gordan is excually represent on behalf of all goalkeeper in TE.
Thank you again for this bull**** story.( sorry its very long) I am just bored.😕