There's this team who is in 4th position now. Globally weaker quality than the teams above him, yet he manages to win.
In the first leg I won 4-3 by luck, scoring at the very last minutes.

Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69578
Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69579

Troll result? Unlucky day? Ok, could be, we should accept that once because it's football, the ball is round and it's realistic and blah blah blah. But still he won against other strong teams. Well, ok. Today I had to face him again and this happened.

Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69580

Compare the teams. The only difference is that we both have every player with a SA. Do SA kick in so much during the game? If yes, why mines do not? Still, there's a lot of quality difference, SA shouldn't make that much difference. The runner up has higher quality and all SA, still it wasn't such a danger for me and I won very easily.

Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69583
Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	69582

I tried to change tactics, putting one more defender, using more attackers, going all out attack, offside, no offside, counter attack and not. Of course I used wingers where he had none, it failed. It failed going for the center as well obviously. Attack bonus, possession bonus etc. No s**t, I couldn't stop him. All my actions fail badly, he has only a few actions in the live match and I know he will score 100%.
Still I scored 108 goals in the league, conceded 8 (4 of which against this team), won every match except this one (with one lucky win against him).

I won matches by 6-0 up to 13-0, except here where I can't score.

Manager absent in both matches. How does this game work for these magical teams?