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  • 1 Post By dave1311

Thread: Dilemma

  1. #1
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    I'm shopping for a lone striker to replace my (getting too old & now just 4* guy). I have a dilemma from a choice of two in the market.
    First one, Gustavsson is in regular transfer Scouts:

    The other, Xavier is on my recommended list:

    I'm inclined to go for Xavier who is only 22yo & has a proven record plus I prefer recommended over Scout list. However Gustavsson is only 5% away from 7*. Tokens & cash aren't an issue as I have plenty.
    Opinions welcome.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  2. #2
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    Definitely i would choose Xavier,untill the first 1 will reach 7*,Xavier will pass him 😀
    dave1311 likes this.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Good luck. But I just want to very kindly remind one thing: the stats for Xavier doesn't have to be real.

    I have no preference at all, why not checking auction and save your tokens? Maybe we are the same - don't see Nordgens until later each season?

    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    I'm shopping for a lone striker to replace my (getting too old & now just 4* guy). I have a dilemma from a choice of two in the market.
    First one, Gustavsson is in regular transfer Scouts:

    The other, Xavier is on my recommended list:

    I'm inclined to go for Xavier who is only 22yo & has a proven record plus I prefer recommended over Scout list. However Gustavsson is only 5% away from 7*. Tokens & cash aren't an issue as I have plenty.
    Opinions welcome.
    dave1311 likes this.

  4. #4
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    hmm, that could be a good case for a loan.
    To pay 3 token, get the players for two days and test them with your team - if they "fit".
    Specially if those sa are working for them or not.
    Because this could change the balance for one of them and could pay back some of your token (as I can't see much dif. between them).
    But you 'll never know
    dave1311 likes this.
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  5. #5
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    I appreciate the stats aren't necessarily real but I've had good experiences with recommended players previously and not so good with auction scouts. As for looking in auction, I go for 18/19yo Nordgens usually and they are like rocking horse sh*t in the first few days.

    KFC Loella.
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  6. #6
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    + The younger 1-2 season and is doing as well as quality Gustavsson
    + In the future you 'll sell better

    - The specialist for corners and centering has at least % !!!

    My experience with players from Boy Scout :
    Most are worth wing players . There are a few on the market and they are the key players who decide matches . They never disappoint me . Always AMR / MR or AML / ML . I have a bad experience with a goalkeeper , I was about 3 or from a scout and assistant always upset me , erratic performances , bad .

  7. #7
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Xavier is now a member of my squad and ready to play. Thanks for your opinions. I'll keep updating on his performance.

    KFC Loella.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I would never spend that many tokens on a 25-year-old. I would rather spend 69 tokens on the 20-year-old that is your third choice.

    Interesting how you can't make a decision when you're at level 34. You should have played this game for close to three years by now.
    Season 71, Level 61

  9. #9
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    for me...recommend players work for me half and half....
    many season ago.... i got 2 ST/AMR ... 1 ST/AMC , 1 AMC/MC 1 GK~

    one ST/AMR and the ST/AMC are my best... one was sold last season (at age 29.... I got him at 19 or 21... i forgot)
    ST/AMC are still with me now.... he is 28 year old now...a major player in my last season...

    and the rest... well... hard to say they are not good... but not really my expect... or maybe i didn't give them enough choice~
    the ST/AMR.... well... since i have one before him, he is my sub...(and my scout AMR have free kick... and score a lot...that why this ST/AMR is my sub) ~ after i sold my scout AMR (and the first AMR/ST, who play the AMR in the last season...he always played ST before)), i give him chance, but not my expect.... my strongest AMR position become the weakness ~ not matter i put him or the new one on~~~ so... sold at the age of 26...

    AMC/MC....horrible in the first season ...(but in fact... all recommend player horrible in the first season...) the rest of the season... so so....and i have some good sub MC ...sold at the age of 25 ~

    GK....well... he is kind of a joke..... first the other recommend... horrible... that why i go to the action market got a young GK instead of using this 79 token GK....and then he is my sub... not bad a all after the first... sold this season... at age 24 at 116%..... why i so him... reflex down to .....61%~ aerial reach 84%, agility 80%.... -,-!! even he almost 7 star...

    all those recommend are...79 token each...worth or not... well... if you use them as major more than 7 season... i think they worth.... but like my GK...that is not worth... and they are always 7 star in my team...

    the only ST/AMC who left in my team.... he is 112% @ age 28 ....i think he will be a good sub for me... so i hold him one more season...
    (his stats... club matches 191, goal 117 ~~ CL match 86, goal 62~ CUP match 57, goal 19~ ))
    Last edited by Ahlony Wong; 08-23-2016 at 06:54 AM.

  10. #10
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Perry Sih View Post
    I would never spend that many tokens on a 25-year-old. I would rather spend 69 tokens on the 20-year-old that is your third choice.

    Interesting how you can't make a decision when you're at level 34. You should have played this game for close to three years by now.
    I don't care about tokens, I have plenty. The 69T player didn't match my requirements in this instance.
    As for not being able to make a decision at Level 34, I already knew in my mind which I wanted but was interested to hear the views of others for the sake of a bit of fun. Just because I've played this game for nearly 3 years doesn't mean I don't still have choices to make. I am 48 years old and have eaten food all my life but sometimes I still cannot decide what to eat for my dinner. Thank you for your opinion.

    KFC Loella.
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