Originally Posted by
Perry Sih
I don't know about your complain, Ahlony. That has happened to me multiple times, and I have no problems with it.
My home games usually begins at 10am my time, but there is always this one team whose home game is set at 7:30pm, about an hour after the game day begins.
Also, I had 5 games this past Saturday. 10:11am association road game, 10:35am league road game, 3:12pm association home game, 7:35pm Champion's league road game, and 10:05pm association road game.
An empty day happens to me when I lost out of both the Cup and the Champion's League, the day after I play that one specific team whose league game is always at 7:30pm. But I have no problems with that, because if I were still in the Cup or CL, my best players would have 12 hours to recover 24 fitness points, such that I could put my best lineup for both games. On most other days, I would have the league games at 10am and cup games at 1pm, which are pretty bad on my rest packs.
Anyways, play more exhibition games for red, blue and green packs. Also, have you ever used tokens to change the home game times in order to train the system?