I'm in the process of power-training my 18 yr old, DC/DR/DMC. He's both footed and 194 cm tall! My plan is for him to play DMC, whenever I use a tactic that requires a DMC.

What i'm struggling with is, what role to give him? I understand several may chime in with, SA's are a waste when it comes to power-training. I understand that logic and do agree that there is a merit to it. However, I have access to very good farming, and have 2370 rests saved up, with a team that will reach 7* before the end of the season w/o power-training, so not cause for concern regarding rests. I also want to give the player an SA, because I believe they play a bigger role in FA matches, than the other competitions, due to quality based draws.

Now for the SA's which would you recommend power-training? Aerial Defender, Defensive Wall or Playmaker?