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Thread: Ridiculous live animation

  1. #1
    Dreamer ElPocho's Avatar
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    Ridiculous live animation

    who else is annoyed by watching their wingers running on the left or right side in the opponent field then making a long centre to the middle in the front of the goal keeper but no none of your players receive the ball and the opponent defense directly shoot that ball far away .

    sadly this one is one of main live animation in the game and it's ridiculous it has like 1/10 sucess rate and really not fun or exiting to watch .

    of course I'm not expecting my players to score every center but they should change the animation and make more realistic here other scenarios they could add :

    -The goal keeper step ahead and catch the ball .

    -My player shoot the ball and the goal keeper block it to a corner or catch it why not .

    -My player get the ball pass it again and my other player shoot it .

    I mean be creative top eleven ,because now all animations in all matches look the same it's like tactics and formations don't matter .

    I'll stop here I guess you all know how awful the penalties shooting is even more ridiculous since all players shoot the ball in the left side I wish there was a way that I could just tell my goal keeper to go and just stand in the left and wait for the ball

    Personally at this opoint,I find writting commentary more existing then watching the live animation .

  2. #2
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    I had two penalty kicks today in a game both put in the right hand corner.

    Edit ; this was in a CL game & not a penalty shot out though
    Last edited by Bunzo; 10-04-2016 at 04:13 PM.

  3. #3
    Newbie LegendaryForward's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunzo View Post
    I had two penalty kicks today in a game both put in the right hand corner.
    LOL. Same thing happened in Penalty shootout last week. All player were shooting right hand corner. My GK saves penalty from right hand corner & opponent's player shoot too wide on ride side

  4. #4
    Famous Cloverfield's Avatar
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    Some parts are indeed unrealistic.
    Players totally unmarked are getting no passes.
    Attacker may have only the gk to beat and passes the ball 20 meters back.

    Attacker is on the line of the posts , and gk with defenders in penalty spot, and my player gets offside.

    Surely some things need enhancement.

    The biggest fail for me is when I assign the free kicks to one person.
    When ever live animation shows another player to take the free kick it is a sure goal.
    Ball bounces on the wall, player assigned with free kick takes rebound, and scores.
    I feel like psychic that I guessed who will get tha ball

  5. #5
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    When ever live animation shows another player to take the free kick it is a sure goal.
    Ball bounces on the wall, player assigned with free kick takes rebound, and scores.:[/QUOTE]

    sigh, i thought i was generating this bug all the time

    but hey look at the right side: it's a guaranteed score

  6. #6
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Ridiculous live animation

    I don't use live animation for these reasons.

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    Last edited by dave1311; 10-04-2016 at 05:18 PM.
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  7. #7
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    For as much real football as I watch, I find the animations successful, for the animation size and flow or pace of the replay.
    There are plenty of times when teammates on the real field aren't in position when you just have to get rid of the ball or try the center. Crossing is particularly well analyzed, and maybe accuracy and goal conversion rates are lower than you expected. For example: An ineffective tool? |

    I just look at the animation, the commentary, the AM reports, as Nordeus's effort to provide hints as to how the game mechanics work. For example, I lost a goal when 2 players were totally unmarked in front of goal during a corner. I found adding a defensive arrow to one central defender positioned him to defend the post next time. There are other visual clues given that help guess your opponent's tactics in real time.
    Bunzo likes this.

  8. #8
    Dreamer ElPocho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeManiaque View Post
    For as much real football as I watch, I find the animations successful, for the animation size and flow or pace of the replay.
    There are plenty of times when teammates on the real field aren't in position when you just have to get rid of the ball or try the center. Crossing is particularly well analyzed, and maybe accuracy and goal conversion rates are lower than you expected. For example: An ineffective tool? |

    I just look at the animation, the commentary, the AM reports, as Nordeus's effort to provide hints as to how the game mechanics work. For example, I lost a goal when 2 players were totally unmarked in front of goal during a corner. I found adding a defensive arrow to one central defender positioned him to defend the post next time. There are other visual clues given that help guess your opponent's tactics in real time.
    I get your point,i think the counter attack animation is very pleasing to watch and has many different scenarios ,sadly the wingers and centers attacking scenarios are repetitives and not satisfying for a game this big ,same for penalties .

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    the only funny thing is.... when you ST is one-on-one to the GK....he sends the ball back to MC....not even try to shoot..... this is the most ridiculous thing.... LOL

  10. #10
    Dreamer ElPocho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ahlony Wong View Post
    the only funny thing is.... when you ST is one-on-one to the GK....he sends the ball back to MC....not even try to shoot..... this is the most ridiculous thing.... LOL
    lol you're right I forgot to mention that ,or why shooting the ball away out of the field after the center fail while he could just pass it the players near him .

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