they are cheater that hack tokens and want to show off they got lots of tokens. I would do it too if I had lots.
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis
Two reasons.
They give up or they ran out of tokens.
Personally, I've been in a position where it goes on for too long, and I just give up mainly because I rather not lose more tokens to a person who probably has no problem "reloading" their tokens. I've also experience where the other person takes it to the point until the other person runs out of tokens.
Sometimes, I feel like some of these players are bidding to "hoard" the players. They don't really need them, but they just want a full 4 or 5 star team.
My worse experience was yesterday. Going through 4 rounds (if I'm not mistaken), and the other person still has tokens. I gave up in the end because clearly that person has a lot more tokens than I do, and I was running out of tokens. It wouldn't make sense that I continue bidding, would it?
Sometimes, the bidding process makes me want to quit the game. You work hard to earn the tokens, but in the end, you don't win the bidding. There was a season where not a single player I bid for, I won.
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I actually like how the auctions work here. But when people bid multiple times I actually do get scared because it means they have a lot of tokens so it does work.
Here is my advice on auctions: if you want the player bad enough, it doesnt matter what other people do as long as you only bid once per round. They can waste tokens if they want. Just be the first to bid in each round and after a few rounds, you have set a precedent and once you dont bid first in a later round, they think you give up and you hit a late bid with 2.5 seconds left and win. It works 90% of the time and I dont lose many tokens because of this. I usually try this in rounds 7-10.