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Thread: For older players. Was the assistant ever good in the past?

  1. #1
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    For older players. Was the assistant ever good in the past?

    I know he sucks now but was there a time when he was actually reliable? The only reason I tend to listen his advice is because in a game where there is little interaction you want to do the best you can to win. But he tells you to stop counter attacking and then the next advice is to surprise them with counter attacks. I'm sure we all have a lot of other examples that show how unstable he is.
    For older players. Was the assistant ever good in the past?-screenshot.jpg

  2. #2
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    useless as ever! for mine he drink too much whenever we have a game so i dont listen to him much. i have an option to shut him up but still keep him for the laugh.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
    Bunzo and KenoticFC like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Ignore him... He is contradictory too often...
    HairDryer and KenoticFC like this.

  4. #4
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    He's never been any good from Day 1.

    KFC Loella
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  5. #5
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Find the 'Assistant Manager gone mad' topic. It was started fairly soon after we all realised that he was the comic diversion rather than the help he was intended to be...

    EDIT: Here it is...

    Assistant manager gone mad
    Last edited by talisman; 05-25-2017 at 02:06 PM.
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  6. #6
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Thanks! I need a laugh or two right now!