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Thread: Assistant Manager, you can stick your GK recommendation straight to your ASS !

  1. #21
    Well I am out unlucky in cup-semi, still running for other trophies. But firstly, I have a full 25 squad as I will make much money/tokens at first season day, secondly, my main MC's are 109% and a lot better in white stats and good performers, ML is a superstar, so the new one would not make my team stronger. I will just hope for an early offer next season

  2. #22
    Also I guess with the new player the chances for worse draw in cup in cl increase.
    Anyways I am a bit unsure, if I should sign this player. MC is a position I will need next season, do you guys often buy recommendations as late? (for me day 21/28 is very late)

  3. #23
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kto View Post
    Also I guess with the new player the chances for worse draw in cup in cl increase.
    Anyways I am a bit unsure, if I should sign this player. MC is a position I will need next season, do you guys often buy recommendations as late? (for me day 21/28 is very late)
    Why would you buy a player from the recommendations so late in the season if you already have what is needed for the remaining week of this season, and your team will be promoting next season where you can get close to 6-star, younger players from the auction market? I have rarely bought a player from the recommendation list (maybe once with my second account and once with one of my test accounts), and the players were not that so special as they appear to be.
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