hello, my important league match is after few hours so can you tell me good formation against 4-3-3?
currently, I am using this formation for the first time in next match!
hello, my important league match is after few hours so can you tell me good formation against 4-3-3?
currently, I am using this formation for the first time in next match!
You have been created invalid model of Nordeus .
Change DML , DMR = DL , DR
Setting DL , DR up .
MC ( L ) up , MC ( R) up , MC ( C ) dow .
St ( Center ) up .
Set super attack .
mixed , mixed ,
Counter 1 vs 1 , no offside
You watching clip 433 of me : https://youtu.be/ylSOocBYjTw
Good luck to you !
Last edited by LacBuoc; 06-12-2017 at 02:50 PM.