Each order should be opposite? Where is the logic? Def counters attack? Anyone ever made evident tests?
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Each order should be opposite? Where is the logic? Def counters attack? Anyone ever made evident tests?
You can counter the formation but there is no way to know what orders the other player has, if he is playing attacking ,normal or defending. Usually when playing against stronger team I assume most people think the opponent will attack. Sometimes playing a defending game with CA has helped me against stronger teams and some times it has been a terrible mistake. IMO there is no way to give definitive answers.
The only thing you can counter is the opponents formation, if you believe the Counter-Formations tables.
You can only guess at what the opposition manager has asked his team to do, but usually you can guess from his initial formation, position in the competition, etc - if he is an active manager.
The difficult ones are the abandoned teams, some a******e ex-managers leave idiotic orders with their teams that the engine is only too ready to take advantage of, which is one of my theories about Troll results.
I ve read many times here that some managers counter the orders even during the match by 'analysing the opponent' and 'making wise decisions', thanks to 'tactical dominance'. I am not sure if the same managers speak of 'troll results' and 'conspiracy of nordeus' if they lose
About abandoned teams. Don't you remember that nordeus reseted all teams orders to very defensive, easy tackles+counter attack on (if i remember well). So all these teams and play in the same way. Allmost at the same time all that topics about troll results began.
No way that is the case of troll results, I think its something deeper. Always playing very defensively won't guarantee you the result, by that logic those 60% abandoned teams are impossible to beat and that's taking into account only one factor out of others that are supposedly important to win (preparation, morale , training, attending the match etc etc etc...).
My goodness they like to use big words like they are Guardiola or something. That's just common sense and adapting to the game, that's why we attend matches. If you don't see results of course you will try passing by both flanks or thru the middle hoping it will shake the game a little bit.
There is no conspiracy of Nordeus but troll results exist and are the result of a bad engine.
We can read all enemy tactics, if you have the ability .
And we will also overthrow them , If the player you good , Tactical changes immediately promoted And vice versa
No result Nor troll . Because you are weak
Each one has its own belief what will counter what, but there is no lets say clear code what what will counter what. It is not clear like: 1 force of 5N is exerted on a body, say a kite, and you exert an opposite force of 5N to counter that force so that the kite stays in balance, or you put an even stronger force so that the kite moves into a certain direction.
Only they know what they speak off, but to each his own as long as they are having fun and not harming anyone. But sure, it is bad to be in ignorance.
Each manager or group of managers has their own style of playing in this game. Some managers will set their formation to counter the opponents formations. Others will use almost the same formation or style but will do a few tweaks or adjustments for each match where they think is needed. Some managers will try to counter by others means (orders, arrows and so on). Some managers will use combinations of all methods.
For me, the main problem is not abandoned team or active team, but the sense itself in this game. How can someone use what would be expected to be inappropriate combination of orders and still win in this game? It would be like a manager giving wrong instructions to his team, but the team still wins.
In the past, I made several tests using different accounts, where I was manager of many teams and I set those teams to play each other. I did not like what I saw. There was not much sense in terms of what were there as orders for both teams, what were the assistant manager's advice and what were the effects on the pitch based on changes done in game, including those done by following the assistant manager's advice. But those matches were friendly matches; so either friendly matches are simulated differently or there was a problem with the game at that time or the game is just '****'.
If a team goes inactive (with no manager and no logins) for a few months, the orders and the formation stay the same. If there is no login for a very long time (many months), then maybe the formation and the orders are put back to how it was on the first day. Those orders will be something like normal, mixed focus and passing, and the formation will be the one that there was initially. In the second case, that is not logged on for very long time, when the manager comes back, he gets a 6-star player having his second name (sort of manager: father; player: son) and the team is given some tokens and packs.
Clearly, something else is involved in this game that significantly affect match results.
Bad engine and poor simulation. Some undesirable things may have happenned due to flaws, faults or errors, but some things may have happened due to intention itself.
The amount of football nonsense you can see in this game and the amount of deceiving things (I mean clear deceiving, like selling a player for example) shows how much some people at Nordeus know about football and what intentions they have.
For me, nowadays, I just accept things as they come in the game. Of course, I still try to find out reasons why this or that occurred, but I don't bother like before and take things so seriously that this game becomes a sort of pain. So, have fun as you are playing this game for fun and entertainment but not to add additional frustration, anger, stress and pain to your life. Life is already hard, and much harder for some people. If the game becomes a pain, then take a break from it,