We have some matches for Thursday related to the Confederations Cup and too still playing the European Sub-21
So here 3 matches:
Confederations Cup
Germany - Chile
European Sub 21
England sub 21 - Poland sub 21
Slovakia sub 21 - Sweeden sub 21
If someone is capable to guess the 3 results, I will send him a Shirt from the Top Eleven Shop for a value max. of 20 euros (or any other item of the same value ).
Participations Closed Thursday 22 JUne 2017 at 15:00 UK Time - 16:00 Spain
*One participation per person -please^^
**Participation limited to the first 20 comments or participations -for obvious reasons that don't need to mention LOL -
Participations, captures:
1 of 4
2 of 4
3 of 4
4 of 4