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Thread: Scout team appears out of nowhere

  1. #11
    Rookie Palash Mitra's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    if you buy the 699 options, what is the next "curtain" ?
    Aah yeah, didn't think of that. Does the price go up like the free transfer? That would be insane!

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by gogs67 View Post
    4 games left and I'm 2 points ahead at the top of the league but well behind on goal difference to the second place
    All four games are against worse teams (bottom six) so it's just a case of keeping calm and getting over the line.
    Noticed the 'abandoned' team I play on the final day of the season had a high win today so checked his squad out and he's signed 13 Scout players yesterday
    This will be the most frustrating 'loss' out of all the years I've played this game if he beats or draws with me on the final day and I lose the league
    Anyone else had a 'new' team appear so late in the season with the potential to change things so much?
    I won my last three games and second place had a surprise 1-0 defeat yesterday so I'm 5 points ahead with one to play.
    I also beat second place with a crazy 7-1 score in today's CL final just to rub salt in the wounds.
    Time to sell off my team in preparation for next season and take a hammering in tomorrows final league game against the token monster
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  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    I wonder if someone with this newest update (the scouts) 'll pay 700 tokens and you see his team tomorrow, with four 8* scouts - lol
    Which of course means that at any, and I mean any point in the next 41 days you could be more than a little surprised when the 75% side you set up to play against takes to the field at 110% after the manager drops some serious tokens.
    I might give the next couple of seasons a miss thanks to this update. Yes. There is always the unknown aspects of another team before you play, but to not know if that team is going to suddenly have 4 new 8 star players 4 minutes before kick off is not something you can't plan for.
    Will be an interesting season and a half all the same.
    Last edited by Altiplano; 09-15-2017 at 10:55 PM. Reason: 'T
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