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Thread: This is NOT funny!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Thumbs up This is NOT funny!

    Well I know, that players may have a bad day and so on... BUT

    When my team has 66% ballpossession, the oponent therefore 34%, this means, that in a game of 90 minutes, the opponent has the ball for 30 minutes.

    Under that conditions it is simply hard to believe, that the opponent has 17 shots and 11 shots on my goal, while my team has only 18 shots and 8 shots on goal. The timefactor is simply wrong. (They have to get out of their half, have to pass my players and all that within almost no time. Considering breaks at fouls etc. - they would have propably something like 20 to 30 seconds to get in shooting position).

    Well of course if my players are facing superior opponents, such thing could eventually happen.

    BUT if the opponent's players are at an average ~20% less capable (my playing team with 679 points = ~ 61 / opponents team on the field 552 = ~ 50 points) such result IS ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBLE and UNREALISTIC.
    Additionally, as the most valuable player played in MY team.

    OK, my players were in surpringly an unexpectable bad form (after normal and successful games in the last days). Some of them played simply awful. But good enough, to control the game (66:34 ballpossession - you remember!).

    So how to hell can it happen, that

    1) the opponent reaches this sort of shooting result?
    2) that lowclass players are outplaying there scout- or worldclass-level opponents in my team?
    3) that the opponent team reaches a complete unreal tie in my arena?

    and all that in an absolute important match for the final result in the league (first or second).

    It is simply REDICULOUS, that a team is facing 21 injuries in 26 days (40 games). Why do I spend cash for better fields that are "reducing the frequency of injuries"?

    Gentlemen at Nordeus, I think you're slightly overdoing it with your game manipulation!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Palma, Mallorca

    What good are the field upgrades to reduce injuries if they dont work? 21 injuries is more than I get but I dont power train or buy/use green packs. I train as often as I can to allow my team to be 99% or every game, so i use my 5% rests wisely. I still get injuries when they are in the green and close to 99%, but I find that the more red packs you have, the better chance of injuries.....which is what he was saying that Nordeus manipulates the game to make money. So they basically CHEAT you out of your packs to make you spend money.

    Simple enough???

  3. #3
    Famous Raykco's Avatar
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    I haven't yet used any red packs this season to heal injuries, and have amassed 187. During the season I have had 9 injuries (7 in matches and 2 in training). No player has been injured more than once, and the longest injury has been 6 days. So I can't see how the theory that its done to make you use red packs (and therefore tokens), holds up.

    By the way, I am a token buyer.

    Olympic Stadium...East London

    Season 47...........Manager Level 33

  4. #4
    Rookie peppe88's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    more they see you buy tokens and entice you to buy more with injuries and defeats against teams too scarce

    this year I have 25 injuries..and no training players..I'm a token buyer too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Well, as everyone here seems to assume that they are cheating us to make us buy MORE token, we should concider to strike back and stop buying token. Maybe that will help us to reduce injuries aswell as "funny" results.

  6. #6
    Famous Raykco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peppe88 View Post
    more they see you buy tokens and entice you to buy more with injuries and defeats against teams too scarce

    this year I have 25 injuries..and no training players..I'm a token buyer too
    This is probably why you are having so many injuries. You are using too many red packs. Put some of the injured players on the bench for a few days, and let them heal in their own time, like I do. Don't rush them back.
    Ljepoje and gtmsnba13 like this.

    Olympic Stadium...East London

    Season 47...........Manager Level 33

  7. #7
    Champion Ljepoje's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raykco View Post
    This is probably why you are having so many injuries. You are using too many red packs. Put some of the injured players on the bench for a few days, and let them heal in their own time, like I do. Don't rush them back.
    I agree!

    I usually sell the player that gets a injury more then x2 a week. Don't see benefits to keep him (and I dont f**k care either). The only player or players that I care to heal is the most vital and of importance.

  8. #8
    Rookie peppe88's Avatar
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    seriously..this game became "****"..nordeus want money money money..and it is not right..nordeus lost many player in the future for all this

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raykco View Post
    This is probably why you are having so many injuries. You are using too many red packs. Put some of the injured players on the bench for a few days, and let them heal in their own time, like I do. Don't rush them back.
    Well, yes, good idea, BUT: What are you doing if mainly your keyplayers are getting injured. Your simply HAVE to heal them, if you want to keep your (winning)chance in the league. (I am lvl 8 now, leading my league, but it will be VERY tough to stay there).

    See, I am not playing that game to end up 6th in the league (at least not now). I want to play in the top group and try to win. I got straight to lvl 8, won the league 4x, the CL 2x and the Cup 5x in a row.

    To get to this point, you have to invest quite a lot. You have to buy players mainly from the scout, you have to use power training on some of the youngsters to get them to the stage where you want them to have. In some cases it even makes sense to use personal trainers (which are truly expensive).
    This is why I am complaining! Nordeus simply cannot get enough. If they see that you are investing, they try to get more out of you. This is not only unfair, this is sort of fraught! (hard word, I know, and legaly not correct, but English is not my natural language - that's why I dont know a better word that makes the point).

    This is the reason why I am trying to open the eyes of other members of the community, which are or will face the same problems.
    Only chance to get Nordeus to act - at least a little bit - fairer is, to complain and - after a while - if there is no reaction (= feelable change) take the consequences...

    @ Ljepoje
    At your stage you will find players you can use in auctions. Later you will find players that are fitting in your team only at the scout (50 token each) and later you even will not find suitable players there (or at least only on rare occasions). So if you finally have a team that works, you simply cannot sell a player only because he got injured twice in a week... believe that!

  10. #10
    Famous Raykco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guido View Post
    Well, yes, good idea, BUT: What are you doing if mainly your keyplayers are getting injured. Your simply HAVE to heal them, if you want to keep your (winning)chance in the league. (I am lvl 8 now, leading my league, but it will be VERY tough to stay there).

    See, I am not playing that game to end up 6th in the league (at least not now). I want to play in the top group and try to win. I got straight to lvl 8, won the league 4x, the CL 2x and the Cup 5x in a row.

    To get to this point, you have to invest quite a lot. You have to buy players mainly from the scout, you have to use power training on some of the youngsters to get them to the stage where you want them to have. In some cases it even makes sense to use personal trainers (which are truly expensive).
    This is why I am complaining! Nordeus simply cannot get enough. If they see that you are investing, they try to get more out of you. This is not only unfair, this is sort of fraught! (hard word, I know, and legaly not correct, but English is not my natural language - that's why I dont know a better word that makes the point).

    This is the reason why I am trying to open the eyes of other members of the community, which are or will face the same problems.
    Only chance to get Nordeus to act - at least a little bit - fairer is, to complain and - after a while - if there is no reaction (= feelable change) take the consequences...

    @ Ljepoje
    At your stage you will find players you can use in auctions. Later you will find players that are fitting in your team only at the scout (50 token each) and later you even will not find suitable players there (or at least only on rare occasions). So if you finally have a team that works, you simply cannot sell a player only because he got injured twice in a week... believe that!
    I am level 9, going to 10. I invest a small amount each season on buying tokens. As I said previously, I vary rarely use red packs for healing, and have NEVER power trained any player, or used a personal trainer. I have won several trophies, and am in tonight's CL final. I've also been promoted every season since I started playing. So as I said, with a full roster of players, injured players can be replaced in the team, and you can be successful, even without star players, sitting out through injuries.

    Olympic Stadium...East London

    Season 47...........Manager Level 33

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