Well I know, that players may have a bad day and so on... BUT
When my team has 66% ballpossession, the oponent therefore 34%, this means, that in a game of 90 minutes, the opponent has the ball for 30 minutes.
Under that conditions it is simply hard to believe, that the opponent has 17 shots and 11 shots on my goal, while my team has only 18 shots and 8 shots on goal. The timefactor is simply wrong. (They have to get out of their half, have to pass my players and all that within almost no time. Considering breaks at fouls etc. - they would have propably something like 20 to 30 seconds to get in shooting position).
Well of course if my players are facing superior opponents, such thing could eventually happen.
BUT if the opponent's players are at an average ~20% less capable (my playing team with 679 points = ~ 61 / opponents team on the field 552 = ~ 50 points) such result IS ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBLE and UNREALISTIC.
Additionally, as the most valuable player played in MY team.
OK, my players were in surpringly an unexpectable bad form (after normal and successful games in the last days). Some of them played simply awful. But good enough, to control the game (66:34 ballpossession - you remember!).
So how to hell can it happen, that
1) the opponent reaches this sort of shooting result?
2) that lowclass players are outplaying there scout- or worldclass-level opponents in my team?
3) that the opponent team reaches a complete unreal tie in my arena?
and all that in an absolute important match for the final result in the league (first or second).
It is simply REDICULOUS, that a team is facing 21 injuries in 26 days (40 games). Why do I spend cash for better fields that are "reducing the frequency of injuries"?
Gentlemen at Nordeus, I think you're slightly overdoing it with your game manipulation!