Post By gamer5289
Should I use him?
My AML is 23 yrs old.. His shooting, Speed, Finishing, Passing, Crossing is all above 150 but his strength is below 5.. So is aggression.. Is he still 1st team quality or should I buy a new one? Does strength matter ?
Use him 
Strength is a grey skill for AML.
Get it to 1% 
Ideally, your marker should be how many assists and goals he gets, how are his ratings in the matches.
What is grey skill? Can u please explain

Look at the above player.
Some skills are highlighted in WHITE and the other skills are GREYed out.
The WHITE skills are what are essential for a player to perform in the position he plays in.
The grey skills, not so essential, for that position.
White skills gain faster than grey skills in training drills.
Strength is greyed out for AML, and hence, considered a "non-essential" ability for an AML to perform effectively.
PS: Check some of the training tutorials on the forum if youre interested in this.
Gray skills are the skills of the player who are not white - they have a gray color ... they are not important as the while skills -
Go to any player Attachment 88053
Oh Thanks a lot.. I would have posted pic of that player but I dnt know how to post it ..
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