I would like to know, how does one train a player to aquire a "Special Ability"? How does he achieve the points to achieve this "Special Ability"?
I would like to know, how does one train a player to aquire a "Special Ability"? How does he achieve the points to achieve this "Special Ability"?
well it's simple you just need to train them in the training section and i suggest u choose the very hard level drills and make sure u have enough rests
because if u want ur player to get his SA as soon as possible u need to use the rests and train him again and again
well that's what I'm doing right now i've been training my striker 35 for around 4-5 days and he has 35 sa points(i could even get more if i was more active)
I chose drills for a player but he doesn't improve and doesn't gain anything in abilities. I based the training on the lesser sides of my player but he doesn't improve. What can I do and how do you choose the right training drills for bonuses?