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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] Important Announcement - Association Loans

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    This is a good move, and a step in the right direction. Although it will slow down the tankers, I don't believe it will stop them. There is still the problem of a 1% team at the draw, to take the heat off the other 5 members. And the possibly of using the transfer market as pseudo-loans. This just removes the ability to high-exploit the draw with a bunch of 140%+ players coming from a tanker/coiner (usually a tanker).

    Paiva's comment would help alot, placing restrictions on leaving and rejoining associations.

    Also, maybe having the association draw engine drop the quality of a team or two for the purpose of creating a fair draw. An association can still consist of 6 teams, but the calculation for the draw will not read the quality of all 6 teams, to minimize the impact of exploiters

    (180*4 + 1*2)/6 = 722/6 = 120.3% average quality for a 6 team group
    (180*4)+1*1)5 = 721/5 = 140.2% average if quality of 6 seed not read if 1% team is 6 seed.
    (180*4)+1*0/4 = 720/4 = 180% if only quality of best 4 is read.

    This would force the exploiters into tournament with 8* and 9* rivals, due to eliminating the impact of the low quality teams that are exploiting.

    Also of the people that like this decision, how reliant is your association upon loans? Of the people that don't like it, how reliant is your association upon loans? Does this decision either positively or negatively impact your association?
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 10-30-2017 at 07:03 PM.
    Bunzo and a.gavrilin like this.
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    This is a best news for tankers. Well done nordeus, I often ask myself if it is possible to make the game more and more stupid every day. And you confirm to me that it is possible.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    [Official] Important Announcement - Association Loans

    You fix a max cap at 340% for any single skills and then will remove loans in Association feature , and for most forum users it is not enough lol

    remove the entire game and let finished this bulls**t complain soup
    Last edited by dave1311; 10-30-2017 at 08:24 PM.

  4. #24
    Dreamer Alessio Fitch's Avatar
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    Now this it's something good...So for those who are crying let's see how you will play with your own teams, as for example my association did in from the start with few exceptions haha...TOP 10 Goodfellas Mobsters its coming Woooooooooooooooo
    Bunzo likes this.
    Club: AF Goodfellas - Level 40 - Captain of Goodfellas Mobsters association Platinium

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  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alessio Fitch View Post
    Now this it's something good...So for those who are crying let's see how you will play with your own teams, as for example my association did in from the start with few exceptions haha...TOP 10 Goodfellas Mobsters its coming Woooooooooooooooo
    you seem very excited lol

    Did you said you will be in top 10 soon without loan feature ? lol

  6. #26
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaizer Franz View Post
    you seem very excited lol

    Did you said you will be in top 10 soon without loan feature ? lol
    Maybe he won’t be but then neither will those who exploit the loan system.
    Alessio Fitch and Bunzo like this.
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  7. #27
    Apprentice crisgr's Avatar
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    I have a proposal for Nordeus.
    Sorry in case it is already proposed, I did not have the time to read all the topics here, except for a few.

    My proposal, so, is Association Stars, like association is a single player.
    OK, association has stars according to member's stars.
    But my proposal is to change the way member's stars calculate association ones.

    If a manager has leveled up, then his stars count normally to the association. For example, a player was level 34 when he ended the previous season having a 7* team. He was promoted to the next level, so next season on level 35 he starts with a 6* star team. His team, 6 stars, count on associations like 6 stars.
    Now, imagine a player who was level 34 when he ended the previous season, having himself also a 7* team. But he has stayed on the same level, so next season he will start at level 34 again with 7*.
    What seems unfair? A good manager going to next level makes his association weaker, his 7* become 6*. The manager to stay on the same level had 7* and keeps having 7*, leaving his association as strong as it was.
    But, the solution could be to reduce 1 star to the quality of association for players who stay on the same level. Thus, previous manager, who stayed on level 34, he will have a 7* team on his level, but for associations his team will count as 6*.
    This could go on for next seasons. So if he tanks again next season, he maybe keep having 7* team at level 34, but for associations his team will be considered as 5*...

    That's a simple thought, a basic one. I haven't put down all parameters, all possible options, but I believe that's a good idea for a start, isn't it?

  8. #28
    Apprentice crisgr's Avatar
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    To make it more clear, my idea/proposal is to have Association Stars, after all association operate with stars, but have them calculated in a way opposite they work on leagues, that decide if a player goes to next level or stays on the same.

    Example. Imagine 2 players on level 50 having teams of 269 quality at the end of a season. That means both have 5* teams.
    First one is promoted to level 51. His quality of 269 as next season starts is now 4*.
    Second stays on level 50, having his quality of 269 unchanged in view of stars, remaining at 5*.
    On associations things are the same way.
    So a let's say good manager who goes to next level, does harm his association, reducing its stars from 5 to 4.
    The 'bad' manager (a tanked maybe) who stayed on the same level, keeps his association as strong it was, at 5*.

    In other words an association with members that level up gets weaker, while if it consists of players who stay on the same level it keeps its strangth.
    The easy thing looks to stay on the same level. That's what tankers do. They do not lose stars on league and they transfer them as they are on associations.

    But what if Association Stars were counted differently?
    On our example, in case you level up, your team with lose 1 star, but on association he will keep the stars.
    So, the player who went from level 50 to level 51, he won't lose his stars on his association, like in league, where his team will be 4*, but he will keep it, so in associations he will have 5* team.
    The one who stayed on level 50, he will keep having 5* team on league, but for associations he shall lose 1 stars, thus his team on association will be considered as 4*.

    Just think of a manager on level 50 with young players of quality 269 that tanks (stays level) for 5 seasons and he sees hie players going to 289 quality during those 5 seasons. What quality will his team be on the league? 9 stars! Right! So 9 stars on associations, too! Wow!

    Now think the same manager under my proposal. Bo change to his team quality on leagues. Again a 9 star team.
    The difference is on associations! He should lose 1 star for every tanking season, resulting in only a 4* team on associations!!!!

    So, I am asking. Who is going to do tanking for association stars?

    Nordeus officials here, please take a look at this proposal. Thanks.

    Edit: As promoted will be considered a manager who finished 1-8 or went to the next level, because on high levels, due to lack of teams, it happens that managers who have finished 1-8, stay on same level.
    Last edited by crisgr; 10-30-2017 at 10:23 PM.
    nikolgiorgos likes this.

  9. #29
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Totally agree!

  10. #30
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcmacdaniel View Post
    Also, maybe having the association draw engine drop the quality of a team or two for the purpose of creating a fair draw. An association can still consist of 6 teams, but the calculation for the draw will not read the quality of all 6 teams, to minimize the impact of exploiters
    Do what other activities do and ignore the top and bottom ones and take the Association Quality from the ones that are left...
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

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