Wow,i'm amazed,again,you identified the issue after you released the update lol
Ps I would like to join Nordeus developers team,i don't know nothing about this,but it seems that you don't need to know anything to be a Nordeus dev. í ¾í´¡
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Nordeus need beta testers ASAP
Dear managers welcome and enjoy in the top eleven 2018. They brought you a new **** of visual change (like always), they showed you finally that the arrows have no impact and you are free to forcing them to waste time again on something like club history instead of working on a new live match and reality.
Well done to everyone and one more time ENJOY.
WHO asked you to remove arrows ???? WHy are you here in this forum man???? Don't you READ what the manaegers wants???? Don't you pass on the info ?????? WHY REMOVING ARROWS ??? Why removing 3rd position??? WHY removing the option to have a second and a third player to hit corners free kicks ???? penalties??? WHY the f ruining the game???? WHY haven't you changed the allocation of the daily **** skill point to be received ONLY by first 11 players or captain??? WHY??? You've worked an entire year to make a bull**** stupid change that's it !!! NOTHING that the managers asked except for club history which you removed anyway in the first place...SO WHAT ARE YOU GOOD FOR ??? I would say really nothing !! F this bs
I want arrows back.Change tactic again.Dozens friendly match again.The current formation, order and arrows actually very good.
My players who lost a role are waiting for a little compensation :). They cost me much more than other single role players during the auction.
Even assistant manager recommended players now have just one position for the 79t player
WTF why players lose their positions? My best AML, is not it already? Defender DC DR DL is no longer DC?
Bad bad bad and bad improvement.
Players that lost their roles (changed in some cases), no arrows.
The realese must be AT THE END OF THE SEASON, not during it.
Dear Top Eleven Team,
It‘s now time for compensation