Originally Posted by
Morgan O'Bree
Cup, Elimination Phase, Leg 2.
Ahn Tù FC VS New Team
Ahn Tù : 4-1-4-1, 4-1-3-AMR-1; [Q 37,4]
New Team: 3-2-2-2-1, 4-5-1 V, 3-4-1-2, 3-1-3W-2N-1; [Q 40,5]
First Leg Result: 3 - 3
EPISODE 2-REMATCH: Don't go off selling the bear's skin before you strike it down.
For this match we got rescheduled at 18.25, where we had already problems due to Coach Mad's presence to his wife's shopping day. We were far from home in any sense, and without any backup. To that we had to add the connection problems we were having since early afternoon and the difficulty of dealing with IOS' game platform which is still very poor.
That's why when we settled our 3-2-2-2-1 we were facing at 5 minutes from start a 3W-2DMC-1-2W-2, if not that our opponent swinged back to 4-1-4-1 at 3 minutes remaining. We were expecting this sneaky cheap trick as we were already resetting into 4-1-2-1-2, but when we were to save the new formation the ios app blocked and we were kicked out. When we could log back, it was match start already. On top of that, we were facing alone the manager PLUS 6 of his Thai buddies supporting him. Ahn Tù started the match with EVERYTHING in his favour.
As we started luckily for us Coach Mad had already laid the bait in the field, and so without any substitution we were easily able to switch from 3-2-2-2-1 to a more confortable 4-1-4-1. Despite the -15% ball possession, New Team made his tactic and disposition count hugely in the first half, parring the possession (50-50) and even pushing them back on defense for the first half. Few minutes from the whistle Oliver Hutton was already impossible to stop and his ride-through the defense ended up towards the keeper, where he offered a perfect ball to James Derrick claiming immediatly back the opponent's luck in the first Leg (14'). But of course, the troll was just there waiting us as the very next minute Giggs shooted from midfield (MIDFIELD!) beating weirdly our Q42 Keeper Price for the lightining fast 1-1 (15'). Coach Mad snapped in rage again at the 4th goal conceded in 4 total shoots between 2 matches, letting in Johnny Mason (ST) for Strauss (DL) and reordering on 3-1-4-2. New Team keeps attacking without much results, and every time we read on the screen "shoots from range" we feel staggered expecting to go down again. That finally ends happening and before the end of the half a free kick earned by Mason gets us the lead with the immortal Callaghan realizing! 1-2 end of first half (45').
In the second half we notice their possession bonus starting having effects, so around minute 50 coach Mad decides to get back to 4 defenders getting out, by surprise, Johnny Mason for Fubuki Shirou. And here the TROLL came again! While waiting the switch, Ahn's striker Wellbeck (a 5* who plays like a 9* apparently) gets past the whole defense from nowhere (we were having a corner kick against them <.<) and beats Price for the equalizing 2-2 (55'). OF COURSE, right after the goal we get our sub, and New Team can claim to have one more defender now that they have to score back! Coach Mad is then forced to get back Callaghan for Tom Becker, setting the formation from 4-5-1 V to 3-1-3W-2N-1. We kept pushing despite their defense and keeper being in gracious state, and parring finally rightly on their shoot from range. We were losing hope fastly when finally, like a godsent, Hutton exploded a right which got deflected by a hair over the bar!!!! On the corner, Yuma centered it rageously and the SAVIOUR of the day Rob Denton made it fly under the bar for the definitive 2-3!!!!! Crazy result in the enemy's cradle!
New Team accesses the next phase on 6-5 aggregate!
Late thoughts.
1) THANKS Nordeus. For messing up server and letting me be almost trolled by this guy. As alwais, you're alwais here when i less need you. Stick it up that thing you know this time too :3
2) We totally DESERVED to pass this round. Playing against 1 striker only and not even AMS with a 6* Defensive wall and getting 5 goals from 25-30 mts or mid half was riddicolous. Weird enough, they scored like that every time i scored before. Coincidence? Seemed all set up to me.
3)I wanted badly to troll this guy. Getting owned away and almost owned at his own home with 6 supporters and cheap tricks got into my nerves. Good job New Team.
4)We played our League match before the Cup (he played his after) winning 0-4 away and we are 7 points ahead of the teams in 2nd place.