Post By Spartan117
The relationship between tokens, rests, players and manager. Critics and Suggestions
We all know that TOP11 is a management game.
The main roles of every football manager are to choose players from the market, train them, chose tactics and a formation to win as much trophies as possible.
We all know that the green rests are used to recover players after a match but they are also used for training and improving players.
TOP11 is now providing 15 to 30 free green for each manager and 1-4 tokens on daily basis. So in terms of economy, and according to Nordeus wishes, the Yellow tokens are more valuable than green rests.
In an indirect way, the developers, who made the tokens more rare/ valuable and used to buy new players. are encouraging us the managers to train the players we have, instead of buying new ones.
In my opinion, the idea of making tokens (1-4 daily ) more precious than rests ( up to 30 daily ) should be balanced to meet the fact of selling 46 tokens for 50 rests shown in the store. (Read to the end of the article to understand why is that important )
Watching videos (Ads) should be rewarded by tokens OR rests according to the wish of the manager.
We know that many managers tend to sell players at the beginning of each new season even if they are 80-88% and rush to waste their tokens for players that are 96-99% that are probably younger.Why does this routine/behavior always occur every season ?
A- Inefficient training and/or inexperience ( Pushing a player from 80% to 95% can be achieved within one week of good training and experienced players have better performance than new players).
B- Abundant supply of players: The programmers are offering a large number of young (18-20 years 90-99% players on auction and show them 24 hours/7 days throughout the four weeks of each season which is against the rules of real soccer world which limit the transfer time.
C- Age indicator :The developers have UNFORTUNATELY decided to GREATLY SLOW DOWN the players indicator of skills improvement after the age of 24. This is also against logic because the most effective and famous players in real soccer are those who have a long experience at 28-32 years not at the age 18 years. So on what basis TOP11 developers decided to favor an 18 years old player over one at age of 29-32 years old player ?
D- Inefficient Academy players ( 3-4 stars under 85% and below league level )
How can TOP 11 developers help managers have a greater pleasure in the game ?
1- They are expected to increase the players "slow improvement indicator" from the age of 24 to 30 to create a deeper bond and a longer relationship between the manager and his players.
2- Provide only ONE FREE 90% young academy player every season with a position according to the wish of the manager and not in random position.
3- Shut down the auction during the first two weeks of each new season to encourage managers to train their players instead of buying and selling and resume the availability of transfers through auction only during the third and fourth week to strengthen the team and prepare for the next level. However in this case, the auction should show players between 90%-110% only no less than 90% and no more than 110%.
The benefit of Nordeus:
A-The closure of the auction during the first two weeks will force the managers to train their players which is their main role of course but it will increase the demand for new players because the shortage of time allowed for transfer ( Economy : high demand - shortage of time - shortage of players ----> higher prices) . Therefore, managers will be tend to spend more tokens to get what they need.
B- The increase of the players' improvement indicator from age of 24 to 30 will encourage managers to keep their players longer and decrease the purchase of new player. so How can Nordeus benefit and suckkkkk the precious tokens and push people to buy tokens ?
In addition to the tokens needed to sign new players, I suggest that only tokens (instead of money ) should be used to renew the annual contract of a player. 10 tokens to renew the contract of every player from age 20 to 22 and 20 tokens from age of 22 to 24 and 30 tokens from age of 24 to 26 and 40 tokens from age of 26 to 28 and 50 tokens from age of 29 till 31 and 60 for players at age of 32 and 33.
Such approach will force the manager to create a balance (Trade off ) between buying new players and keeping the same players according to the number of tokens available with each manager. (as long as the young or old improve in the same way from 18 to 30 but the more experience of a player the better performance he will do).
C- Finally, the approach of favoring older players over youngsters will not lead Nordeus to lose potential clients, because such approach will continue to encourage managers to buy and use rests to boost their players who are between 24 years and 30 years when the developers increase the improvement rate of such players and therefore many will prefer to keep the experienced player rather than going to buy a new young player.
D- This philosophy will demand/encourage higher presence of managers on daily basis to get the maximum amount of reward (30 tokens/ rests ) which will increase the number of ads and thus allow Nordeus to gain more money...
Thanks for your time.
Last edited by USARABAT; 12-12-2017 at 08:13 PM.
This is a nice suggestion, however I don't buy the idea of using tokens to renew my players contract. I currently sign 3 players per season 2 from negotiations and one scout and I keep 8 players every season I spend less than 100 tokens. If I'm to use tokens to renew their contracts that would be an extra 160 tokens spent according to your proposal, so no thanks.
It's possible to boycott the auction system if you plan your team right I've not signed any player from auction in my first team for the past 6 seasons, I rely on negotiations, a few scouts and largely recommended players.
I appreciate the time given to go through this article which is a philosophy that needs only little technical work once the decision shall be taken to implement it.
Regarding your concerns, the philosophy should be taken as a whole to be considered balanced for both the managers and the company, therefore I highlighted the major suggestions with red color now.
Regarding the ANXIETY due to the shortage of tokens that MOST of the managers face, I suggested that watching videos should be rewarded by tokens or rests as the manager wish. In other words, to pay off the renewal of players contract every two seasons with high amount of tokens, the philosophy suggests that the developers will allow managers to win up to 30 tokens per day if they wish in case they didn't want rests.
The aim of the closure of the auction during the first two weeks is to force managers to rely on training which is their main role rather than acting more as salesmen/ agents of buying/selling. Shutting down the auction will also stop the manipulation before the league draw and association draw and help managers PLAN for the next season ahead by buying players between 90%-110% only to help their team compete in CL and CUP against managers who are one league above.
Last edited by USARABAT; 12-12-2017 at 08:24 PM.
Supposing the manager was allowed to get tokens instead of rest if he wishes on daily basis he will be able to receive :
30 tokens * 30 days = 900 tokens
900 Tokens * 10 seasons = 9000 tokens
To renew the contract of only 20 players (as an avarage) he needs
20 players * 10 tokens = 200
20 players * 20 tokens = 400
20 players * 30 tokens = 600
20 p * 40 tokens = 800
20 p * 50 tokens = 1000
20 p * 60 tokens = 1200
TOTAL = 4200 tokens and the rest 4700 tokens will be used for buying players (once at least every 10 seasons) and for being converted to rests according to the wish of the manager to be used for training.
My philosophy will demand/encourage higher presence of managers on daily basis to get the maximum amount of reward ( 30 tokens/ rests ) which will increase the number of ads and allow Nordeus to gain more $$$ money...
Last edited by USARABAT; 12-12-2017 at 08:16 PM.
Okay now I get it. It's true that it will be good for players, But will nordeus stand to profit from giving us 900tokens per season?
yes through more managers watching ads to collect tokens, Nordeus gain more money ..remember that buying players from auction after the shut down for two weeks will be more competitive so 900 tokens per season if they are collected to the maximum will be fairly enough to buy and / or power train
Last edited by USARABAT; 12-12-2017 at 08:22 PM.
I like what you are trying to suggest in this thread.
The basic idea of allowing managers to chose what reward an AD gives is good.
We already have the choice....to watch for rest or treatments or moral boosters.
What we dont have is the option to watch for tokens.
This option was present on the browser version till 2-4 seasons back and was actually very bad.
In my association, there were folks who would watch 20-30 videos for 20-30 tokens every day!!!
And I got a GRAND TOTAL of 0!!! (I was able to farm rests via vids around this time)
So this creates a disparity between the folks competing on the same game due to geography.
Coming to your 3 suggestions:
How can TOP 11 developers help managers have a greater pleasure in the game ?
1- They are expected to increase the players "slow improvement indicator" from the age of 24 to 30 to create a deeper bond and a longer relationship between the manager and his players.
--> This is where your management comes into the picture mate. Here you have to make a decision what you want to do. If you have a player from age 18 to 24, you would have undoubtedly trained him to high white skills and grey skills will be very low. So, even though such players might be a full * lower than a young player and train worse than them, they might perform better. If you wish to persist with them, you have to MANAGE them better. EG: My striker is in his 12th season in my team...now 29 years old. It takes me 20 greens to raise him 1%!!!! But even though he is 5*, he performs like a 7* player. That is why I do not need to power train him to 7* every season.
2- Provide only ONE FREE 90% young academy player every season with a position according to the wish of the manager and not in random position.
--> Brilliant IDEA. Suggested many times in the forum, but doesnt look like Nordeus wants to revamp the youth academy 
3- Shut down the auction during the first two weeks of each new season to encourage managers to train their players instead of buying and selling and resume the availability of transfers through auction only during the third and fourth week to strengthen the team and prepare for the next level. However in this case, the auction should show players between 90%-110% only no less than 90% and no more than 110%.
----> Honestly, this is not a good idea. I can understand the reverse, where you have TM open ONLY for first 2 weeks of season and close the TM later. Thats how the bug leagues work. Every team and manager should get the opportunity to build his team the way they want by buying players initially. If you are closing the TM, you are effectively handicapping the teams and deciding the winners in the initial days itself.
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