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Thread: Earn money or token

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Earn money or token

    I'm a new player and I think that it's a great game, but I don't have understood how can I increase my money or token. From the beginning I've bought some players and now I have 173K e 47 token. I've tried to sell some players but there's no gain, the prize if I win the league is 600K. So I wish to know how some Top Eleven's player has 50M and 500 Token and how I can reach that level of money. Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Every time your manager level increases the prizes you get from competitions increase but so do the price of players.Be patient you are most likely not gonna get a 5 star team in your first season
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Win the assoc matches... gain hundreds of tokens every season there

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    This might be true for high level associations.. I am level 4 and in an assoc with players approximately my level. we gain like 12 tokens when we move up to silver 2, not hundreds of tokens

  5. #5
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    you can farm up to 30 greens daily (by watching vids)
    then you can buy 2-3 young expensive fast trainers 4*, train them and increase more their value and sell them at the end of the season as 5*.

    If you 're struggling and you that you 're not promote to next CH.L., stay in the same lv (loosing on purpose and finish 10th) and save sources for one season.
    milpol likes this.
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  6. #6
    Apprentice Gobobo's Avatar
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    May 2016
    Take it slowly, be patient, watch the videos and don't get into rash one-upmanship when bidding for players.

    If you play this game for a year you'll have billions in cash.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    You can use your credit card

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    It will surely take time. I've started playing few days back only & looks like it's damn hard to reach that level.

  9. #9
    Apprentice Kelpie Grant's Avatar
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    Jan 2019
    It takes time , yes. Dollars - check out threads in the forum about stadium size for each level. Every level you go up you can charge more for supporters to watch the matches but be careful as charge too much restricts crowd size. Also prize money ,match revenue and sponsorship increase with each level.
    Tokens - avoid going to war to win a player. In lower levels work out which players you need to replace and set a budget. There is no need to spend a lot on an older player even if he is high 90's% as its just not worth it because in 4 minutes another will come along and using green packs on them is wastful. Early on I wouldnt try to get more than 3-5 18 to 20 y/o players , they will cost more in both $ and tokens but green rest packs have much more effect on them. Build your team slowly so by the time you reach level 3 or 4 all your first team players will be between 18 and 22. From then on its really only a matter of replacing players who are 23 or maybe 24 so it should be much easier by then.
    After level 3 or 4 , I cant remember which , you can be involved in Asso matches which earn tokens for promotion , its not much to start with but get to Gold 1 and beyond and its at least 50.
    Also with all due respect to Nik , I wouldnt encourage anyone to start their career by tanking seasons , its really something that is , although allowed , quite nasty about this game.
    this is my level 2 starting 11 and season overview just to show how its working for me.
    Earn money or token-2019-02-15-3-.jpg
    Earn money or token-2019-02-15-2-.jpg
    Last edited by Kelpie Grant; 02-15-2019 at 08:33 AM.
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  10. #10
    Apprentice iptables's Avatar
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    Dec 2018
    I think he don't know What, Where, How to - Associations.
    Friends - Add as many as you can, send and receive gifts to/from them every day.
    You can add some friends from the Transfer Market, by observing bidding ppl. When you see 'Add friend' button on his profile ( Upper right corner ), don't be afraid to add him/her.
    In the end of each season you will participate in the Cup tournament. No need to be in top 8 for that.
    Next is the Champions League ( if you finish the league 1-4th placed ).
    Keep in mind that you will have 3 matches per day sometimes. League, Cup and Champions League.
    Later, you'll understand about the Associations, another tournament, every weekend.
    Now, the rewards : League - money
    Cup - money
    Champions League - money
    Associations - packets and some tokens, not much in the lower divisions.
    Money are needed to buy players from the Transfer Market and build facilities in the Ground menu.
    Every facility is important, because it gives you additional resources and players. 1 free player and 1 costs tokens - Youth Academy.
    Hardest farming is as follows : Tokens, Greens.
    Take note, and don't enter the so called 'Bidding wars' - Transfer Market is not what you are expecting to be.
    Every player there costs money And tokens.
    You CAN NOT offer for a player from other teams as we see it in the real life.
    However, on lvl 4 you WILL be able to NEGOTIATE for RANDOM players from RANDOM ppls' teams.
    Those players are so-so.
    Costs tokens and money.
    For now, I advice you to stay calm with buying on whatver, and observe
    P.S. Don't forget to watch videos every 24 hours. These videos are the main source of packets.
    You can find them in the 'Club Shop' menu. I suggest you choose the GREENS
    Normaly you have 25-30 videos per 24 hours for a speciffic resource. The amount of the videos depends on your region/location/continent/country.
    After the regular 25-30 videos, you have 15 more videos.
    These 15 videos you can use to Directly heal your players, or increase their Morale ( the arrows ).
    Another thing is, you can farm 15 blue/red packs or even money, which personaly I don't advice to do.
    Take your time, and check all the menu buttons you see, so you can be familiar of what to do in the future.
    For now - Don't think about Associatons, only the team, the players and the Training window.

    There are a lot of other things you need to know, but right now I don't have much time to cover at least some of them + I'm not that experienced person with the game. There are many ppl who can explain you what, how to and where.
    Check the forum's threads too, for there a lot of tutorials and explanations on most of your questions.
    Last, but not least - Do NOT be afraid to ask. We are not born proffesors
    Good luck, I hope that information will help you a little bit in the start

    EDIT : I'm sorry for the wall of text
    Last edited by iptables; 02-15-2019 at 11:35 AM. Reason: Wall of text :D
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