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  • 1 Post By KenoticFC

Thread: Correct AML/AMR position in the zone

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Correct AML/AMR position in the zone

    Guys, I usually play with MR and ML, and I'm testing now a new formation with AML and AMR, but I don't know way the palyers play in the center of the field instead of on the flanks. And it seems that thy tend to cover all over the field from defence to attack. I place them on the edge more offensive of the formation box, then, when I noticed that tehy were playing in the center I've tried to change their position in the formation box several times, but nothing changed.
    What I did wrong?

  2. #2
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    The biggest thing to keep in mind is that the live match does not represent what happens on the field. Yes AML/R will be more aggressive than ML/R as far as attack and counter attacks go. You cant expect a player to stay 100% of the time in the same position so it is natural for them to move all over. As far as what difference does it make if you put them in more forward position or back ,we still dont know yet and it has not been answered.
    ccook92 likes this.

  3. #3
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by LOS ABRANTES FC View Post
    Guys, I usually play with MR and ML, and I'm testing now a new formation with AML and AMR, but I don't know way the palyers play in the center of the field instead of on the flanks. And it seems that thy tend to cover all over the field from defence to attack. I place them on the edge more offensive of the formation box, then, when I noticed that tehy were playing in the center I've tried to change their position in the formation box several times, but nothing changed.
    What I did wrong?
    I am doing the same experiment with AML/AMR as opposed to regular ML/MR I have found so far that the regular ML/MR appear to stay wider than the AML/AMR players more often. It seems the AML/AMR players tend to go into the centre more often however which seems to cause congestion with AMC and/or ST. With only the limited vision available during a match to make a judgement from , then I can only say it is so far not conclusive or definitive evidence that this is actually the case and may only be an appearance. I will say for a certainty however that defensively my team is considerably weaker so there is a need to adjust the back half to compensate for the more attacking front half , I havent found the right mix yet and games I would normally win 1-0 or 2-0 are now 3-2 or 4-3 style results which are probably more exciting in a way.