View Poll Results: Do have more or less tactical freedom with the new fluid line-up system?

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  • We have more tactical freedom

    9 75.00%
  • We have less tactical freedom

    3 25.00%
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  • 1 Post By KenoticFC
  • 1 Post By Ποσιδονας

Thread: (Poll) Fluid line-up system: do we eventually have more or less tactical freedom?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    (Poll) Fluid line-up system: do we eventually have more or less tactical freedom?

    A point I haven't seen discussed properly in the forum (hoping it's not my fault missing posts) is if the new "fluid" line-up system leads to more or less tactical freedom than the old one

    Pros of the fluid line-up system:
    - Could field more players on the flanks
    - You can field players "at-the-half" between zones (e.g. a MC could be fielded near DMC zone, or near AMC zone, depending on the necessity)

    Cons of the fluid line-up system:
    - No arrows (what you field is known by the opponent)
    - No DML/DMR (their role was really something different than DR/DL )
    CUP LEVEL 12 SPECIALIST (winner: Season 8 level 8, Season 11 level 11, Season 12 level 11; finalist: Season 13 Level 12)

  2. #2
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    The reason it has not been discussed properly is because Nordeus never clarified anything about the new formation system(I pressed many times without having an anwer). Eventually we figured it out that the tactics have been destroyed. They even removed the possession zone feature quietly because it served no purpose from the beginning.
    The position does not affect much only the overall formation.
    Temidayo_ likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Even after months, where most evident bugs have been fixed.......

    Are they using a new game engine or, after seeing the new one wasn't working as intended (strikers on the flanks, AML on the center..) have restored the old one keeping the fluid formations only apparently?
    CUP LEVEL 12 SPECIALIST (winner: Season 8 level 8, Season 11 level 11, Season 12 level 11; finalist: Season 13 Level 12)

  4. #4
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    we have no formations at all.
    The only thing I do is to put my players in a shape that looks like the old 4-5-1 V or the old 4-4-2 ND
    Altiplano likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    New system is far too difficult to use on a mobile phone, barely usable on a tablet. So I've got less tactical freedom because I refuse to buy a new phone every time I smash one in anger over how impossible it is to move players within their zones. Formation stays the same. Always. Yet another example of how the game has degenerated over the last 12/18(?) months.

  6. #6
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    maybe this new fluid line up system has more freedom to orders the player move either forward backward left or right,

    rather than old arrow method only up/down. but the weakness on this new fluid system is the opponent already know which direction our player tend to play and it not a secret anymore.

    i think it is better if the opponent only can see our basic formation without specific orders player position before the live match start,

    the opponent only can see our fluid line up during the live match because only during the match we can observe how and where the player mostly play, so from there we know the opponent fluid line up
    Last edited by adifairus; 05-03-2018 at 05:30 PM.