He is playing 4-4-2 I am in the at the moment playing 4-1-1-1-3. What can I do to increase my chances of turning this around?
He is playing 4-4-2 I am in the at the moment playing 4-1-1-1-3. What can I do to increase my chances of turning this around?
when against 4-4-2 opponent, i always use motivated 4-5-1-V and never fail even to stronger opponent
move your DMC forward until some of his circle enter MC zone,
start with normal mentality, mixed passing mixed area, OFF counter attack, high press, zonal marking, normal tackle, ON offside trap
can switch to attacking mentality and ON counter attack if still no goal after 30 minutes
actually, before i discover 4-5-1-V is the way to beat 4-4-2, i was using AMC and always fail,
i don't really know why i can't beat 4-4-2 with AMC. then i accidentally use 4-5-1 V with up arrow on DMC and won 5-0, after that i stick to use 4-5-1 V with forward DMC when against 4-4-2 until now and always win big.
this is the screenshot of 2017 version how i beat 4-4-2 with 4-5-1 V, i was put UP arrow on DMC means going forward to join MC zone when my team is with the ball
or 4-5-1v