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Thread: the league system is confusing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    the league system is confusing

    I played CM/FM/Hattrick for years but the league system in Top Eleven is so confusing. In HT you can tell right away you are in something like VI.64

    I just joined the game a couple of days ago.
    How many league levels are there? I understand there are servers.

    If I read the lousy official wiki (so tiny) it says Champions League has only 32 teams. Even my team can qualify from placing 1-4. That means ever level of a league on a server has its own champions league competition?
    But still, how can i find out my league level? How deep can I promote etc. There is no ¬tree¬ to look at?
    They made this like an instant gratification so everyone can get something pretty fast. While others brag with 50s of cheap trophies :/

    And a bonus question: is there any chance they add national teams? The seasons might happen too fast for this.

  2. #2
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
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    since now is 105th season of TE, so maybe, the highest league level until now is 105,

    but nobody achieve that level until now because of many reason

    either not enough of team to participate next level league or finish the league with 9th~14th place

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018
    but where exactly you see that level? im assume is different than manager level?

    so where is my team? are there 104 better leagues?

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adifairus View Post
    since now is 105th season of TE, so maybe, the highest league level until now is 105,

    but nobody achieve that level until now because of many reason

    either not enough of team to participate next level league or finish the league with 9th~14th place
    The top level is around the 70 right now, remember that when a server have not enough teams to create a new level it repeats the top.

    You start in Level 1, every season you win a level. Except for those who played the old version with the job centre where you were able to change of club so, if someone left a L50 club for a L1 then the manager level looks like 50, despite that now the club that he have will play in the L15, 20 or so...

  5. #5
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    OK I’ll try to explain it.
    Top Eleven is played across many servers (no idea how many) and each has its own pool of teams from level 1 up to usually around level 70. You find as has rightly been mentioned earlier that at the higher levels there are fewer active teams so this is why even if you have been playing for the whole 8 years, chances are you are stuck around on the same level with other teams catching up to you to fill a league. At the lower levels there are often several leagues across the same level as there are more active teams but higher up (as in my case Level 56) there may be only one or two leagues. There is no league pyramid, it doesn’t work like that. A league season lasts 26 days. However a full season lasts 28 days as Days 1 & 2 covers the Cup first stage. The idea is to finish in the top 8 to promote to the next level. If you finish in position 9-14 you remain at the same level but again, at higher levels with fewer teams, you may still level up from those positions to fill a server level.
    Every level has its own Cup and CL competitions and again, you find sometimes they may have teams from the level above or below in the same competition.
    At present there is no international competition where you can manage your country, it is all club based. The only thing that may come close is the Associations competition which occurs each weekend. However you compete with your own club and work together with up to 5 other clubs to try and promote to the highest level (Platinum). You win tokens as you promote having reached a certain number of points over each 4 week season.
    That is the basics in a nutshell. There are many complexities which would take me all day to cover. You’ll read about them in the forum. I suggest you read the sticky posts in each section and there are loads of YouTube tutorials out there.
    Just remember one thing. This game does not reflect real life football in many ways. It will surprise, irritate and make you laugh (sometimes all at once).
    Altiplano, Bunzo, madflo19 and 3 others like this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
    Level 133
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  6. #6
    Newbie JDPuss's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    Might explain why I've finished 9th and 11th and been promoted both seasons.. with the obvious result being my team is the dog of the league this season... very annoying as i was building a squad for a title challenge when this occurred
    Last edited by JDPuss; 05-20-2018 at 03:50 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Saw a Peruian guy who is level71, asso view, so hes team is real 200%+
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails the league system is confusing-71level.jpg   the league system is confusing-whxjayb.jpg  

  8. #8
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDPuss View Post
    Might explain why I've finished 9th and 11th and been promoted both seasons.. with the obvious result being my team is the dog of the league this season... very annoying as i was building a squad for a title challenge when this occurred
    Tanking gone wrong then ?
    Richie72 likes this.

  9. #9
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDPuss View Post
    Might explain why I've finished 9th and 11th and been promoted both seasons.. with the obvious result being my team is the dog of the league this season... very annoying as i was building a squad for a title challenge when this occurred
    when you 're at the top of the server, position doesn't matter.
    They promote almost all or repeat the lv till create a new upper lv league.
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