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Thread: Nordeus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Nordeus, i've played this game for 4 years now, I've had a blast playing it. I don't want to see the end but as of right now, I am afraid that the game I have loved to play for the last 4+ years will come to an end at some point in the near future.

    The game has evolved alot since I first started playing, and some of the updates have been great. Associations, New_Training_System and National_Tours have greatly expanded the game. Associations has allowed us to play head-to-head against several managers we otherwise would never have been able to play. It's transformed the game for many from a PVE to PVP environment, an opportunity welcomed by many competitive managers that want to be tested against the best. The New_Training_System has given us greater flexibility in how we develop our players. National_Tours also are an excellent source for testing tactics, since good tactics are needed when playing as a large underdog.

    Unfortunately, two of the above updates have unbalanced the game; namely associations and the New_Training_System. Originally, FA was separate from the core 3 features of the league, CL and cup. However, over time FA started to spill over into the other competitions as an increase of tankers arose. They'd deliberately repeat the level, and use the loan feature to beef up their weaker members. This was addressed by removing the loan feature. If I recall correctly, their was resistance by some to removing loans, but ultimately the fix to tanking and/or loans didn't affect the core 3 tournaments of this great game.

    The update to training however, created a loophole through which "mutant players" could be created. Your response to this has been very very poor. First, you removed the goalkeeper training. Goalkeeper Training for many managers was performing the same function as skill point cones on the old training version. For those who joined the game after old version, players skills weren't automatically added. What happened when a player completed "X" training was nordeus awarded a skill point coin, and us managers had the option to train defense, attack or physical & mental. All five skills under each category, trained at an identifable pattern, nordeus directed where it would go, but their was a noticeable pattern. We still could train the entire team at once, then recover each player individually, then repeat training, much like with goalkeeper training. It allowed us managers to train the entire team at once, instead of customize training for each individual player, like we now have to do with goalkeeper closed. Several of us managers, we have lives outside this game and our time to play this game is limited. Nordeus, you have failed to realize this and seem to completely disregard that you are competing with other game, our family and friends,work, school, other hobbies, etc... and playing this game so many of us enjoy is a sacrifice many of us have been willing to make. By removing goalkeeper training, you have forced those of us to spend more of our valuable time in developing our times relative to what we used to. Some managers instead of sacrificing more time to play Top11 will just walk away from this game. As you may or may not realize, many managers were using goalkeeper training out of conveinence, not to exploit the game.

    2nd, we have a spike in troll results lately. First, I may be an idiot, but i'm not a moron. I know the increase in troll results is due to a change in the mechanics of the nordeus game engine to increase the importance of strategy (correct tactics). By weighting correct tactics higher, it gives good tactical managers an increased opportunity to win against mutant teams. In making this change, nordeus has their heart was in the right place. However, what you failed to realize is that many managers that invest time and/or money in this game don't have great tactics. You have increased the probability of a 115% losing to a 45% if they don't get their tactics correct. To such managers this makes top11 feel like a game of dice, results feel random. You don't spend money to flip a coin, and you will lose managers that don't have mutant players, don't win massive #'s of trophies due to this change because they'll grow frustrated of losing as a 25-30%+ favorite.

    As for the updates to training, I don't think it will have a radical change on the game and managers in time would accept it. That said, I would have preferred a removal of the option to buy players from lower levels through negotiations and increased access to well-trained players. For example, updating the scout and recommended player list to have players with gray skills @ 40%. This would have given scout buyers something close to a semi-mutant team, hence an increased ability to compete with power-trainers and the scout list would no longer be the useless thing it is today.

    But this update to the New_Training_System I don't believe is an existential threat to nordeus as a company. It's more the nerfing of quality/training importance in determining the outcome of matches and the increased duration of time it will take to train, plus the endless bugs that leaves me fearing that the game I have loved for the last 4 years will be coming to an end soon.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 05-21-2018 at 09:59 PM.
    Level 40 Manager

  2. #2
    Newbie mahisaagni's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    if a company is stubborn and didn't listen what market wants, there are 2 probability =

    1. They are the only one, so they monopolize the market, " I'm the boss, go to hell with all of your opinions, take it or leave it "

    2. They already near bankruptcy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    The nail to Nordeus’s coffin is the restriction to gain point in training to build elite players.
    I want to create a Messi, a Sergio Ramos when I play this game.
    I don’t want to work hard in training and buy tokens to build a bunch of average Joe around 120% where his offense is equal to defense.
    They take the fun out of the game.
    Worse, they constantly disregard the players wishes. When was the last time you see Nordeus ask what we want and then implement it?
    A 50 million players game (really?) but no moderator/developer respond when thing turn sour?
    Nah, they have a few hundred hard core players but most already left or are leaving as we speak.
    Death game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Also very typical: not a single response from Nordeus. Not from the in-game reports, not here on the forum. Nothing. It has been 24 hours now. The Nordeus company is dead already.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by CSGFC View Post
    The nail to Nordeus’s coffin is the restriction to gain point in training to build elite players.
    I want to create a Messi, a Sergio Ramos when I play this game.
    I don’t want to work hard in training and buy tokens to build a bunch of average Joe around 120% where his offense is equal to defense.
    They take the fun out of the game.
    Worse, they constantly disregard the players wishes. When was the last time you see Nordeus ask what we want and then implement it?
    A 50 million players game (really?) but no moderator/developer respond when thing turn sour?
    Nah, they have a few hundred hard core players but most already left or are leaving as we speak.
    Death game.
    I feel frustrated to the change to training as well. And surely, the two of us are among managers that knew how to use the training ground to build elite players. And we may be among the group of managers that are more willing to walk away from this game.

    That said, i'm a little skeptical on this change specifically being bad for nordeus because from what i've seen, it's a very small percentage of players that were making efficient use of the training system to build elite players. It was almost impossible to sell my older players with white skills> 200% and all grays skills at 1% through negotiations. Players still seemed stuck in chasing abilities and duel/triple positions instead of high white skills via negotiations. There are still entire levels on my server where multiple teams have 7* average and all of them have gray skills over 100%. It seems their needs to be a "Big Shark" at a level w/ mutant players for the other managers to become aware of the impact of mutants.

    This is where I think nordeus may have ran into a problem. Several managers instead of properly training their players, just complained when they encountered teams with well-trained players. So nordeus, gave us more flexibility in building up our players but for whatever reason very few managers took advantage of it.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 05-23-2018 at 06:29 PM.
    Level 40 Manager

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I'll bet that 99.99% of top eleven players are completely unaware of the last 2 updates to training.
    The majority of active managers at my level on my server are negotiation only buyers. They'll continue buying into the 3rd week of a season and give none of their new players any extra training. I see them season in, season out, buy 99% players in the first few days who then finish the season at 110% and level up. They must play with tokens and rest packs constantly on empty.
    The updates to training have left me feeling like the hare who has had a leg amputated. Now the greyhounds will change nothing in the way they run through a season,
    but they'll have a better chance of catching me because I've been handicapped.
    madflo19, Petje and pcmacdaniel like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    I am waiting for answer like this...this was visual deffect without influence to the game...
    Who belive that engin of game is not broken? I don’t ...
    Example... training loophole, asso bugs and other issues, explanation is simple. It is not so hard to write a code, but devs do not understand it.
    Two years ago with First asso tournament they started to add new lines and with this created loophole...
    What the did wrong is that they didn’t fix it, but they add additional lines to main code and with this algorithm is out of control.
    Maybe I predict the future but check bug isues and tell me If this noumber is growing or decreasing?
    Petje likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    When we count time we used for planning, training, checking and reading the community forum we realize that quality, our opinion is not important to devs, with new feature maybe someone of community will be quiet for a while but problem it’s not solved.
    You all are working, building brands outside this game so you have you own opinion, this game is going down and we see it right now.
    Petje likes this.