A lot of users posting new threads about "what tactic should" I use.
Older users also have said that changing tactic will not give you 100% win.
If other team quality is much better than yours, then tactic wont get you win, am I right?

Many users, who has a good team are playing with same tactic since season 1...
So my question would be. Should I change tactic every game ( I will look at opponent tactic and will use the best opposite tactic ) or is my team quality more important?

Lets say, that my quality is 20 and enemy has 16-17. If he change his tactic to best one that will work against me, he should still not win me ( because 3-4 quality difference ) or does changing tactic help him so much, that it covers 3-4 quality points ?

How much does counter tactic give you advantage? 25%? 50%?