Nordeus has probably setup numerous "ghost" accounts for this and gives them an endless supply of tokens, only for the sole purpose of driving up the price of auctions and for making people waste tokens.
Listen people, this is real money we are talking about and they have the power to do something as unethical as this and get away with it EASILY. Create 10-20 facebook accounts. Have some support people/devs play the game with free tokens and just enter the auctions to drive up the prices. It could be thousands of extra dollars per month to Nordeus but an endless supply of frustrated managers pumping more $$$ into tokens to finally win an auction.
Yes, of course many managers win auctions and come on, Nordeus cant take ALL the fun away or absolutely NOBODY would play. This is so simple yet so sneaky. I will not spend another token on this game. I swore an oath. This is a free game and I will take all the injuries, and ****ty results. But I will not give one more $$$ for tokens, no matter what.
I just did stretching and my best guy was at 90% and got a 6 day injury - hamstring grade 2!!! STRETCHING!?!?! What the hell??? Was he stretching his leg backwards up his ass? **** YOU NORDEUS! FIX THE SIMULATION...I MEAN FIX THE GAME! This is a piss poor attempt at a simulation.
Make me quit. I will still be here on the forum like a plague. Just ****ing do something to make this game better. It has promise, but the ****ing management cant get their heads out of their asses long enough to make the proper decisions.
I could do a ****ing better job than this. Honestly.