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Thread: Cup match vs a higher level(need help!)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Cup match vs a higher level(need help!)

    So i got unlucky again.Everytime i pass a good player at the cup a better one appears,this time i'm facing the strongest team in the cup Cup match vs a higher level(need help!)-e89eq7t.jpg
    And i'll ask help now about the best formation i could use,before the 1st match so i won't get destroyed and loose every chance of winning.
    This is his team (clearly playing a 4-4-2) Cup match vs a higher level(need help!)-5pzyqeo.jpg
    And this is mine Cup match vs a higher level(need help!)-g8vvkuh.jpg

    I need help about my formation and the orders i should give to my team.If i pass him i think that i'll have pretty good chances to win the cup
    P.S. i'm not a donator and i have 0 tokens right now so i'm not gonna be able to buy any players till we play the first match(tommorow) I could get a player for the second match,so i'll have to play with my team as it is right now.
    kullehh likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Don't worry about the tactics and pray the game engine chooses you as winner. There's nothing else you can do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanks for nothing,why you hate this game so much?Everytime you comment on a post you have a negative thing to say about nordeus and how game engine works,i'm not gonna sit and pray for a miracle,i will fight and i want the best tactic,if you aren't gonna help me with this you can at least stop beeing negative,if you can make a better game go ahead and do it.
    Last edited by killeralexis; 04-13-2013 at 06:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Killeralexis, i'm not negative at all, i'm just realistic. Just make sure you do not use an illegal formation to give your opponent 80% possesion. What else can you do?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I'd stick with what you got . 3dcs , have the two DMs running up the wings counter attacking . I'd even play normal mentality and view it closely weather or not these on form . Panic n go defensive or if u get lucky go for blood
    killeralexis likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Do not worry.Your opponent has a stronger team and he is favorite.I can not give you advice but I can tell you that you really need luck.aiureah telling the truth is largely.If you have any idea what's waiting for a big lvl especially since you do not buy tokens will understand that it is quite right.I am 12 lvl win leage last season and cl second place.Its almost max money from tournaments.this season i have no money for sign new contacts with my players,for transfers too,for build stadium too, and like i see others team in my lvl they have same problem.You need to know that i buy tokens lets be for 5$ per month.I have few way to keep my squad good:looking for free young agents and then sell them,bank loan or sell player from my squad who i need.In first lvl most players have problems with biddwars and injured players,then come more and more problems-->money,weekly wages for players,your opponents more often people with very strong teams made ​​a lot of money,teams under your lvl and put you in a league with teams much stronger than you and bigger lvl as the problem of transfers and injuries remains.Game is good but it is made ​​for people with money.That can be done so that the poor can play it and have fun?Of course it is, but who cares poor not only here but in general.POOR SUCK!

  7. #7
    Dreamer kullehh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by killeralexis View Post
    So i got unlucky again.Everytime i pass a good player at the cup a better one appears,this time i'm facing the strongest team in the cup Click image for larger version. 

Name:	E89EQ7t.jpg 
Views:	26 
Size:	64.6 KB 
ID:	5178
    And i'll ask help now about the best formation i could use,before the 1st match so i won't get destroyed and loose every chance of winning.
    This is his team (clearly playing a 4-4-2) Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5PzyQEo.jpg 
Views:	23 
Size:	71.4 KB 
ID:	5179
    And this is mine Click image for larger version. 

Name:	G8vVkUh.jpg 
Views:	20 
Size:	39.4 KB 
ID:	5180

    I need help about my formation and the orders i should give to my team.If i pass him i think that i'll have pretty good chances to win the cup
    P.S. i'm not a donator and i have 0 tokens right now so i'm not gonna be able to buy any players till we play the first match(tommorow) I could get a player for the second match,so i'll have to play with my team as it is right now.
    he is abandoned team, his morale is low you can beat him easly
    killeralexis likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    and i just lost 2 of my Mc's.. i guess there is no other option than 3-2-3-2 with 3 DC's 1 DML 1 DMR 1 ML 1 MC 1 MR and 2 ST's,or should i have 1 ST and put a dmc to support my lonely MC?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Let me explain it with images..
    1. Cup match vs a higher level(need help!)-c8907ee50ee44afd84f75c7.jpg
    or 2.Cup match vs a higher level(need help!)-shlalp1.jpg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by killeralexis View Post
    and i just lost 2 of my Mc's.. i guess there is no other option than 3-2-3-2 with 3 DC's 1 DML 1 DMR 1 ML 1 MC 1 MR and 2 ST's,or should i have 1 ST and put a dmc to support my lonely MC?
    For me try with 2 ST hope you will win

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