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Thread: Is the game punish if you dont pay?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Is the game punish if you dont pay?!

    Hi! Am i the only one who think the game punish you if you dont pay money? I playing the game 4 years and my results getting worse. In the beginning i won leagues, cups, everything but ~1 year ago something changed. I have absolutely no chance to win anything because every season i have lot of strange result. Every season i have 95-100% team but teams who are 15-20% weaker than my team beat me and dominate the match! My team score much less goal then the rivals when i have 100%+ strikers. I use normal 4-4-2 but other team beat me with ridiculous unreal formations. My tactics my team strongness always are the same since day one but the results getting worse and worse! In my last match my team was 96% the oponent 76%(!) and they beat me! I have ONE shot on target they have SEVEN! This season i won ONE league match with a 96% team! Is the game punish if you dont pay money? I think so! Whats your opinion
    Stefanakis and Hans Senders like this.

  2. #2
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Imo no. Sometimes it feels like it. But the game just gets harder as you level up. The beginning is always easy because of many bot teams and inactive people.
    Later you get +1 or +2 Cup and CL draws and a lot more active competition. Its how the game is built...
    rogerniceguy and khris like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I think you have ups and downs as they change things, I usually find I have to play around with formations until I find something that's working that season, last season half way through I found a formation where I suddenly started beating the teams even better than me, before then I was struggling to beat equals, this season that system didn't seem to be working at first but I quickly found one that has seen me win most matches since
    khris and siko232 like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by vt90 View Post
    Hi! Am i the only one who think the game punish you if you dont pay money? I playing the game 4 years and my results getting worse. In the beginning i won leagues, cups, everything but ~1 year ago something changed. I have absolutely no chance to win anything because every season i have lot of strange result. Every season i have 95-100% team but teams who are 15-20% weaker than my team beat me and dominate the match! My team score much less goal then the rivals when i have 100%+ strikers. I use normal 4-4-2 but other team beat me with ridiculous unreal formations. My tactics my team strongness always are the same since day one but the results getting worse and worse! In my last match my team was 96% the oponent 76%(!) and they beat me! I have ONE shot on target they have SEVEN! This season i won ONE league match with a 96% team! Is the game punish if you dont pay money? I think so! Whats your opinion
    I don't agree. Never paid anything. It punishes you if you make your team too strong that's all. Therefore if you spend you get more difficult opponents. Best to not overdo effort and spending as you will just become frustrated.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Der_Ryan_M View Post
    Imo no. Sometimes it feels like it. But the game just gets harder as you level up. The beginning is always easy because of many bot teams and inactive people.
    Later you get +1 or +2 Cup and CL draws and a lot more active competition. Its how the game is built...
    Agree with this as well. Linked to my previous comment.As you grow into the game and make your team better matchmaking puts you in these scenarios.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    siko232 and khris like this.

  6. #6
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Clevedon, UK
    I've had periods where I've paid for tokens, then for a while not paid and let my team(s) coast. The good and bad results have broadly been the same.

    At the moment I have one team at Level 25 on which I concentrate on buying a monthly pass and occasionally an 80T pack, and try to keep it to about 90% at start of season to about 110% at the end. It's won lots of League Championships and had occasional CL and Cup wins. I have two teams, at Levels 7 and 5, who subsist on tokens from the daily award, and any won in competitions and Associations. They don't win League Championships as often and still pick up the occasional CL/SL and Cup win, but are still competitive at their Quality levels.

    The game doesn't care whether you pay or not, it's just programmed to screw you over however you play...
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    What punishes is not pay or not pay, what punishes is the lack of knowledge of how the game works itself.

    How many times we've seen here in the forum managers complaining cause they used 200 euros last season, but guess what, the game punished them lol

    Knowledge of the tempo, how draws are made, ofc stars decreasing if one promotes, know the market and learn that you can not create a "good player", you have to find the correct one, and this needs time and experience to be learned.

  8. #8
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    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    What punishes is not pay or not pay, what punishes is the lack of knowledge of how the game works itself.

    How many times we've seen here in the forum managers complaining cause they used 200 euros last season, but guess what, the game punished them lol

    Knowledge of the tempo, how draws are made, ofc stars decreasing if one promotes, know the market and learn that you can not create a "good player", you have to find the correct one, and this needs time and experience to be learned.
    Match management is also key for me. Understanding how the engine works and making appropriate in match changes can turn a loss into a win. Fine margins and understanding the game win titles. Not spending money.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
    khris likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Not really.

    1. As said by many above, game gets tougher as you level up.

    2. Internal quality of players. Some seasons you have a better group of players than others.

    3. Associations. When managers join a new association they get exposed to new ideas and knowlege. As managers leave and join new associations knowledge would in theory spread. I've been an association jumper and there is alot of good tactical information that is not in publicly accessible places (forum, fb groups). Or if the information is present, it isn't clear that it's good information.
    Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 07-04-2018 at 09:33 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by vt90 View Post
    Hi! Am i the only one who think the game punish you if you dont pay money? I playing the game 4 years and my results getting worse. In the beginning i won leagues, cups, everything but ~1 year ago something changed. I have absolutely no chance to win anything because every season i have lot of strange result. Every season i have 95-100% team but teams who are 15-20% weaker than my team beat me and dominate the match! My team score much less goal then the rivals when i have 100%+ strikers. I use normal 4-4-2 but other team beat me with ridiculous unreal formations. My tactics my team strongness always are the same since day one but the results getting worse and worse! In my last match my team was 96% the oponent 76%(!) and they beat me! I have ONE shot on target they have SEVEN! This season i won ONE league match with a 96% team! Is the game punish if you dont pay money? I think so! Whats your opinion
    im fully agree with you.

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