Originally Posted by
thanks for the reply.
to any devs that may read this, i will not be playing this game for the following reasons, and this is purely for feedback to help make a better game, not sour grapes or anything
firstly your explanation (or total lack of) the above mentioned league structure, inspires in me, absolutely no will or desire to play to one day rise to the top (as there isnt one)
One of the most basic things in football manager games is to see higher leagues and ultimately the top league and teams and to one day aspire to be there, you offer absolutely none of this, i get promoted, .... woohoo;.... but its quite meaningless when you dont know how many leagues above you, where you stand etc
secondly, this may just be my end, but your site/game is so painfully slow and unresponsive, example, i had to wait around 8 seconds for a players screen to come up to spend training points.This is a constant thing, on everything i try to do, all the time (both on IE and firefox)
Thirdly, a games forums speaks volumes.
I got an injury before my first ever match from training (broken foot 8 weeks) unlucky i thought, then i read the many many threads on injuries and thought that this was a taste of things to come.
Transfer market, I started with a player retiring and many of my team close to retirement.
Then I realised how many of the paid token things you have to use to get one player, if you are not the highest bidder you lose all your tokens in the bidding, I need quite a few players before ive even played a game yet it would take me days possibly more to have enoough tokens to succesfully get one of my needed players, bit of a put off.
The players on the market are WAY higher in cost than a beginner has the money for, let alone the tokens.
i am aware and acceptant of the need for pay for features, but it strikes me that unless you pay for tokens straight away to cope with retirements and injuries you are not going to get anywhere.
Even if this was not an issue, I speak for myself and many others when I say that if you play a football game, you strive one day for the top and when there isnt a top, just a never ending infinite amount of leagues that always changeswith not even any notice of "now there are fifty leagues" I dont know how you epect to keep the attention and long term interest of your players.
This post was intended for those who develope the game for feedback purposes and no offense is meant to anyone that disagrees with this post. I have lost interest in this game after one single match played for these reasons and some minor gripes i cant be bothered to mention