how to get a large of green packs??
Buy them. Or watch lots of videos on FB/iOS
- Feeder AFC -
Season 5, Level 5
Season 1: League Champions (no Cup or CL)
Season 2: League Champions, Cup silver medal, CL silver medal
Season 3: League Champions, CL bronze medal
Season 4: League bronze medal, CL winner, Cup winner
where to watch video on iOS???
Click on the icon for what you want (money, green/red/blue boosters), then slide across to 'Free' - offers depend on where you are, with advertisers common in UK, Europe, US, Canada. Not sure about other areas though so you may not have them
- Feeder AFC -
Season 5, Level 5
Season 1: League Champions (no Cup or CL)
Season 2: League Champions, Cup silver medal, CL silver medal
Season 3: League Champions, CL bronze medal
Season 4: League bronze medal, CL winner, Cup winner
thanks~~~ so "Free" will not appear if there is no offer at all??
Free will always be there, if there are none available it will just tell you when you click "Watch Video".
There should be a T11 "guidance" on how to get/earn packs... I feel that some basic stuff/functions aren't introduced/displaying properly