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Thread: I'm really quiting guys this is a joke...

  1. #51
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    I forgot that the starting post was about your cup result lol (thats why my -and? xD-

    But, is very imprecise when people talk about this theory of -non attending=win- ...of course people complain more when this happens, so this gives visibility to the myth but, in the end, all is just like a coin and if you can control the 2 pre-selected scenarios, 1-non attending 2-attending and here's a 3rd that we can include that is, attending, and affecting the match doing some movement (we should remember that sometimes attending and without touch anything it goes fluid in favour of us) , really this is the key...
    I find the best advantage to watching is to be able to avoid the pitfalls the game has set up for you, best example I can think of is where your player gets a yellow card and you change him and then his replacement gets a yellow card, you just know that the game had planned a red for you and if you weren't watching it would've happened, but at least you were able to keep 11 on the pitch and not play with 10, you wont know if the result was affected but easy to believe that 1 down with 10 men the good result is unlikely but if you snatch a draw with a slightly weakened 11 you can be happy that you probably avoided a defeat by attending and affecting
    khris likes this.

  2. #52
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitja fc View Post
    Lol I am new player and it looks like I understand game more than some old school players wtf...
    Let me put it as this...if you have 110% team and opponent is 100% team and you play same tactics you might win more matches...why might cuz there is million little things that majority of players is missing...
    For example attributes...player need cca 1/3 of their attributes yet into his rating all atributes are can have 7 star striker but if he have strong def attributes he is still just 6 star player in reality...also there are hidden gems in game...players who have same lvl for example 2 strikers are both 100% but one is hidden gem player and he will always score goals and have ave.ratio over 8 while second one will be just normal dont need 120% team you need 110% team with hidden gems...if you get players like that you will win better players and if you dont you will lose versus worse players
    Than there is financial award bonus you can use on important matches...tactic are also important and million other things I could writte a novel about...

    I had 20% stronger opponent in semi finals in CL...won home match 1:0 lost away 2:3 therefore i went to final and won it...
    In my league there were 5 players stronger than me and 4 equal...yet i finished 3rd...better than 20%+ stronger team...but well couldnt win 2 50% stronger teams :/

    Just get hidden gems!!! And you will win everything...simple as that.
    I was just monitoring transfers, 1 18 year old value 18M 98% another 97% but worth 24M cant remember if they were both goalkeepers both both were same position and on the face of it you'd wonder why £6M difference in value, don't know if a lot of players would notice that

  3. #53
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    A noob competition here

  4. #54
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitja fc View Post

    Just get hidden gems!!! And you will win everything...simple as that.
    Here we have a term for them, called "key players", which means that are internally well programmed. As always the visual attributes affect just very slightly to the intgernal ones, but, these are used to, determine the AVQ vs AVQ distance which determines the scenario of the match, always discarding players of both teams, and this has been visually proved in these teams that have for example 5 1*'s and 6 players 7*.... a team like this playing with a full 7* can draw if the game choses the good players but same time if the game chose as protagonists and determinant players the 1*'s to face the 7*s of the other team, you can lose 6-0 perfectly due this "technicallism" of the simulator used to create different scenarios with different players interferring in every match.

    Internal programming, dear, internal programming.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    May 2018
    sorry knob?

  6. #56
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    This thread went far out of topic
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  7. #57
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reece p FC View Post
    I find the best advantage to watching is to be able to avoid the pitfalls the game has set up for you, best example I can think of is where your player gets a yellow card and you change him and then his replacement gets a yellow card, you just know that the game had planned a red for you and if you weren't watching it would've happened, but at least you were able to keep 11 on the pitch and not play with 10, you wont know if the result was affected but easy to believe that 1 down with 10 men the good result is unlikely but if you snatch a draw with a slightly weakened 11 you can be happy that you probably avoided a defeat by attending and affecting
    Here are others questions users should be asking: Would there be 'pitfalls' if the user was not attending the match? How different the match would have been? Would the same player still get the red card.

    Logic 'says' attending matches should be significantly advantageous, but this game does not go by football logic. Many times I felt like watching the match, making changes or trying to influence the match in a positive way using the available options resulted to negative things.
    quit this game (23/08/2015)
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  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Here are others questions users should be asking: Would there be 'pitfalls' if the user was not attending the match? How different the match would have been? Would the same player still get the red card.

    Logic 'says' attending matches should be significantly advantageous, but this game does not go by football logic. Many times I felt like watching the match, making changes or trying to influence the match in a positive way using the available options resulted to negative things.
    i think it only happens in cup final...

  9. #59
    Apprentice Dan G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Here are others questions users should be asking: Would there be 'pitfalls' if the user was not attending the match? How different the match would have been? Would the same player still get the red card.

    Logic 'says' attending matches should be significantly advantageous, but this game does not go by football logic. Many times I felt like watching the match, making changes or trying to influence the match in a positive way using the available options resulted to negative things.
    When Pep Guardiola watches Man City they don't win every match
    Aku Papua likes this.

  10. #60
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Clevedon, UK
    In my experience you are far more likely to win Cup or CL Final if you are the 'Away' team than if you are the 'Home' team. Double that if the 'Away' team is 20+%Q lower, or -1 Level, than the 'Home' team...
    Gabez Teh likes this.
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

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