I'm in a low level league, so it's really just me and one other guy competing for the title (which kinda sucks, last season there were at least 4 of us battling it out). Seems like everyone else isn't really doing much with their teams, if they are even active at all.
We were both undefeated when we played and I managed to beat him the first time we played. We both continued to win until all of a sudden, a few days ago it said he lost 3-0 to the worst team in the league (who had only won 1 game this season before that)!
I was quite surprised to see this result, as he had not lost any games all season besides against me, so I clicked on it to see what happened. Instead of a box score, I got the message saying: "The fixture was not played because the defeated club did not arrive with enough eligible players for the game."
For some reason, the guy only had 2 subs and in the previous league match he had a player get injured, another get a red card, and a third get a yellow card (I'm guessing it was his second, which turned into a red overall). So he had 3 players unable to play, but only 2 subs to replace them so he had to forfeit!
It looks like he's picked up a third sub, but wow, I can't believe that. What a mistake! I looked back at our game and he had 4 subs for that game, so I'm not sure what's going on with his team / why he is carrying such a light roster. Maybe budget issues?
Anyways, that was certainly unexpected. I've played a few seasons and never seen a team forfeit before. lol