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Thread: players roll DMC AMC

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    players roll DMC AMC

    DMC - what is role in the game in why use him if other team don't have AMC

    WHAT Diffrence between AM AND MC..... AND AM with red arrows and strikers ??

    which better 2 mc and 2 strikers or 3 mc and 1 striker ?

  2. #2
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    DMC help prevent counter attacks but are better used countering AMC's. I often use DMC.

    The difference between MC and AM is the CM's job is to keep a balance between attack and defence. CM's are IMPORTANT.
    AM's job is to support the striker, they're good for focussing attacks through the middle. Often try long shots with shadow striker ability.
    Red arrows, to my knowledge, encourage attacks. I have my AML, AMR and striker with red arrows and they often link up for goals.

    The latter depends on your opponent. 3 CM's will be better against 2 CM's but 2 strikers will be better than 1.
    I have a 6 star striker who plays and a 5 star striker on the bench and a 4 star striker who rarely gets a game.