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Thread: Incredible League Trolling example

  1. #1
    Dreamer a.gavrilin's Avatar
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    May 2016

    Incredible League Trolling example

    I need your assistance or advice as the current state of the game is killing me. We know well that there are 2-3 random matches during the season when the engine creates some crazy results when playing exactly under the same condition just like my cup game this season.

    Incredible League Trolling example-1.jpg

    The first home match is the best example of random game against bot team (30% weaker team) as I was losing 0-2 (without any chances to score) till 84th min when the opponent got red card and penalty so I was able to get a draw. The 2nd match is an example of difference between teams.

    Let's now pass to the most interesting observation this season - THE GAME IS TROLLING ALL MY LEAGUE MATCHES.

    Just for your info I'm not a new guy in the game with current level 57 and 17 trebles, 48 leagues won, 35 champions leagues and 23 cups. So for me the target for every season is only a treble. And the easiest win is always a league. Somehow during last 3-4 seasons my league difficulty has changed. The opponents are still the same (mostly weaker than me) but I managed to get 4-5 loses to much weaker teams but still were able to get the win in the league.

    Now let's see what we have this season.

    Incredible League Trolling example-2.jpg

    4 loses against much lower teams (8, 9, 12 places etc)!!! and 1 lose against 2nd place but I don't mind it (as this opponent is 20% higher) even though I was winning 2-0 after the 1st half the game turned it 2-3 in the second. The rest of the teams are bots or 20-30% lower.

    I still keep destoying all my opponents (equal or higher ovr) in cup and CL but can't do anything. Here is my main striker who keeps scoring 5-6 goals this season in almost each cup game but can't score a single goal in the league and keeps getting 5-6 marks after the game

    Incredible League Trolling example-3.jpg

    Additionally I get a LOT of yellow cards which later turn into red, but I get them ONLY in the league.

    Some people here tank on purpose. In my case the engine tanks my team and I'm afraid with such results I won't be able to make it even to the final 8 in the end of the season.

    I'm not a supporter of any conspiracy theory but I can't find any logical explanation to what is happening right now in my league. This is not random, this is trolling on purpose by game engine or by developers.

    Your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The game is based on a glorified dice role engine.
    Now anyone that studies statistics will tell you that things even themselves out the more you roll, and that 3 dice will come out on top against one dice far more than the other way round, but that doesn't mean the chances of throwing 6 sixes in a row change.
    You seem to be throwing 6 double ones at the moment.

  3. #3
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    A theory, a thought that i heard from some friends is that they penalize(trolling) managers with mutant players to " nerf " or balance the things, i have a friend in the same situation , his team is insane ( mutants with 300+ stats) but he really struggle against normal/weak teams (mostly league ). I REPEAT This is just a theory, but a lot of poeple suffering like this and coincidencethey all have mutant teams... i think there is some truth in this
    nikolgiorgos likes this.

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  4. #4
    Dreamer a.gavrilin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IImaestroII View Post
    A theory, a thought that i heard from some friends is that they penalize(trolling) managers with mutant players to " nerf " or balance the things, i have a friend in the same situation , his team is insane ( mutants with 300+ stats) but he really struggle against normal/weak teams (mostly league ). I REPEAT This is just a theory, but a lot of poeple suffering like this and coincidencethey all have mutant teams... i think there is some truth in this
    Do you think there is any way we can find it out? Or should I ask them directly? But in this case won't it create bigger problems?

  5. #5
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by a.gavrilin View Post
    Do you think there is any way we can find it out? Or should I ask them directly? But in this case won't it create bigger problems?
    I don't think is useful to deal with this now with the new game coming probably after asso event

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Just get used to it
    No expectations and just enjoy the game
    Just got troll.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    My theory is much simpler but I have many examples from my personal experience: the game does whatever it can to prevent you from winning the treble! I faced 5 unexpected failures this year - all based on the same pattern: Win every single match until you reach cup/CL semis. And then comes this manager that will be impossible to beat in spite of the fact that he does not attend the match and he is 30% weaker than you. I am in the same situation this season and I can feel it coming. I already spotted who's gonna be my nightmare! See you in 2 weeks!!

  8. #8
    Apprentice lalexrus's Avatar
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    It's called an Epic fail, embrrassing.... With such players you came on forum to complain.....
    #lacedaemon_xxx #normandie_niemen

  9. #9
    Champion madflo19's Avatar
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    Even here Russia doesn't go well with Ukraine xD
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  10. #10
    Dreamer a.gavrilin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Just get used to it
    No expectations and just enjoy the game
    Just got troll.
    Seriously))) How can I enjoy it when I keep losing without the reason))) Well currently it looks like rapping - so if you can not do anything just relax and enjoy the process)))

    Quote Originally Posted by lalexrus View Post
    It's called an Epic fail, embrrassing.... With such players you came on forum to complain.....
    I'm not complaining, mate. The fact that I'm still playing this game for more than 5 years after such trolling results means that this game is not indifferent to me. And when I come here to share smth means I want to pay attention to some of the existant problems with the hope that it can be fixed. I think that is the main aim of the forum.

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