I've been playing Top Eleven for almost 1 and 1/2 years now. Over the last year I basically just maintained the team, promoting and changing players once in a while with what I thought was best. Also been doing daily training using same drills (obviously leading to a few high skills and then slow training and fast quality drop when promoting). Currently in an Gold 1 association so I'm getting 50 tokens each season from there.
I want to rebuild my team and constantly have a 6-7 star team from season to season for 4-5 seasons before buying new players, but still maintain a balance of Tokens and Greens. I know about fast trainers which I'm aiming to get. I'm interested to maintain my tokens and greens overall over the time. Maybe just by rebuilding now to spend more, but not drop on the long run.
My questions are basically 2:
1. Do "semi-mutant" players perform better than all-rounded skills players? I seem to be getting mixed results lately with players that have 160-180 % in a few skills and an overall of 75-95 %. I'm often getting beaten by teams with players around 6 stars that are all-rounded (equally spread skills), hence my question.
2. For maximizing training between games (as in constantly having below 99 % condition to get the best out of the condition refresh) - is it better to use training drills or play friendlies? Where do you get out the most?
As a short background to my story, here are a few stats and players I currently have. I'm getting the league every time and in the last 4-5 seasons only manage to get either Cup or Champions League, no more trebles since some time.
This are a few of my players: