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Thread: Injuries...again...revisited.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Palma, Mallorca


    Is Nordeus taking out my frustrations on me?
    4 injuries in 3 days, 3 of them for 6 days each and one for 3 days.
    When am I going to get a 1 day injurt resulting from a papercut or fingernail scratch when wiping my ass 1 day injury?

    Is anyone else finding that the injuries are getting longer in duration as the season winds down?

  2. #2
    Famous shwanko07's Avatar
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    yepp same as season .. at this point i start to have all injuries in training even using normal stretching .. ridiculous .. i just left the game for weeks bcz of it .. now is happening again ..
    i do not mind injuries during match .. normal .. but 3 days = 3 injuries from normal stretching !!.. you must be have a laugh
    i have tokens to buy bags and heal .. but will not do .. i rather lose and play with 5 players only than bullied by game developer
    my team @
    League : winner (S1, S2, S3, S6, S7) , runner up (S4*, S5*) * was in holiday away
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    Cup: Winner (S3)

  3. #3
    Apprentice sweeper4football's Avatar
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    2 games= 3 injuries and 2 sending offs. Set at normal tackling...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    This is just a vent we are all in the same boat

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thon View Post
    This is just a vent we are all in the same boat
    call it what you want, I want to know if this is happening and on what scale.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    your only season 4,it gets better as you go up the lvls but the random generator jumps in every now and then and hands you your baws.
    You never know you may spend real cash to get out the ****.

  7. #7
    Apprentice Hear_break_kid's Avatar
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    last match there were 2 injuries(6days,3 days) and they were the best player of my total 4 injuries in my team..

  8. #8
    RBF is offline
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    this is nothing compared to what i have to bare...i had 2 matches today...6 injuries total...3, 2 and 1 from training...and they were all in top form...this is bull****!!! it's not normal what's happening...

    Last edited by RBF; 04-28-2013 at 09:39 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by thon View Post
    your only season 4,it gets better as you go up the lvls but the random generator jumps in every now and then and hands you your baws.
    You never know you may spend real cash to get out the ****.
    (not directed at you thon...)

    And before you say this is a rant...these are opinions based on observations and experiences.

    I am caring less and less now. I am not spending any more money on this game. Nordeus has had enough of my money.

    I dont think that winning a game of fantasy football is worth spending money on when there is no material return. I would rather spend $100 on betting on horses because at least I have a chance to make some money on it.

    The problem is this: It becomes a race to spend money to keep up with the Jones. I cant afford to spend $100/month let alone $500 which would put me on par with a great team that would give me a chance to win everything.

    "So dont spend so much, many managers win without spending." Yes, but it is getting rare and it depends on your server and league. It will soon be that there are more HAVES than HAVE NOTS.

    "get your best players at auctions for 1-5 Tokens if you do it at the right time of night, when the moon is full, on fridays when the day is an odd number and the time is the same as when Obama takes a dump." Sure, again, it depends on the server you are on and if you at the high end (?what the ****?). Utter crap. It comes down to luck and server. AND hoping no token buyer wants what you want.

    Now Halo, I bought the Gold membership because I ****ing love that game. A real game. One that I can play for hours and hours and have actual fun. A game where there is no ****ing stupid game engine that gives random results based on voodoo. A game that is not driven to suck out all your money and your blood with it. I LOVE HALO and I moved to Spain and now my **** is worthless here. Gotta buy all new games etc. All this to say that there are things, much better things, that I would rather spend my money on.

    "but this is better than dropping $100 at a bar getting wasted with pals and gals." - said by the nerd with no girlfriend/wife. Granted, there are people with money to waste that see nothing wrong with wasting it on this game, good for them. Seriously...good for them. Go spend the $100 on Football Manager instead....time well wasted.

    I started this last night and now, this morning, I forgot where I was going with this other than to say that Nordeus needs to find the line between screwing people out of tokens/money and providing a fair game. AND it STARTS with fixing the level of injuries and duration. It is getting absurd. SERIOUSLY.
    Last edited by cracicot; 04-29-2013 at 07:10 AM.
    RBF likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by cracicot View Post
    Is Nordeus taking out my frustrations on me?
    4 injuries in 3 days, 3 of them for 6 days each and one for 3 days.
    When am I going to get a 1 day injurt resulting from a papercut or fingernail scratch when wiping my ass 1 day injury?

    Is anyone else finding that the injuries are getting longer in duration as the season winds down?
    not too bad i had 9 injuries in 4 days last week i consider u r the lucky one

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