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  • 1 Post By gogs67
  • 5 Post By Ποσιδονας

Thread: Ideas about the strength of players on Negotiations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Ideas about the strength of players on Negotiations

    After they closed the negotiations first three weeks and the decision to open it on the fourth week only,

    don't you think they should make changes on the strength of players that are shown on negotiations in a way that makes them useful for two seasons ( the current and the upcoming )?

    why not allowing transfer of players through negotiations between 95% and 115 % ??

    what do you think ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I've said it on another thread and my answer to this is that the players would be on 'pre-contract'
    A 99% player get's signed in the last week, you can't use him that season, but at the start of next season he is your player, still at 99%, still the same age etc.
    A very good way to build next seasons team, you get the whole week to plan it and not have your tokens tied up in bids on the first day of the new season, wondering whether the bid will be accepted.
    Francicic01 likes this.

  3. #3
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    The reason they add that rule in negotiations wasn't the upselling or some other trick.
    They finished negotiations because the managers had some profit from buying and selling some young 3* players
    and because from nego list you could buy some good players with a cost of 20-30 tokens instead of 40-50 from auctions.
    After all those reactions from communities, they never replied back, never explain.
    So I don't understand why you keep coming with suggestions that make our life easier when they decided not to listen