View Poll Results: What do you think of this suggestion?

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  • Older players being bought as potential Assistants / coaches?

    5 38.46%
  • A realistic progression of players transfers?

    5 38.46%
  • AM's, Coach's and Scouts apply for job?

    4 30.77%
  • Youth team visible and available for training?

    8 61.54%
  • Like the Contract system idea

    4 30.77%
  • Like the Youth team idea

    6 46.15%
  • Like this idea for transfer system

    3 23.08%
  • Don't like it!

    2 15.38%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Player Transfer system

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

  2. #12
    Rookie Blast's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016
    ...too complicated? How?
    We currently have 4 tabs in transfer system....I'm saying reassign those tabs
    Computer currently generates troll players in all 4 areas of transfer system....I'm saying why not just for youth players, let the other players live out their life and career!
    You can currently only buy other managers players in last week of season (used to be all the time) the architecture is there, I'm saying expand this to include youth players, those you want to sell and those at end of contract....
    This saves the computer having to create and eliminate different characters all the time.
    I'm basically saying give the decisions to the managers about players and reduce the computer's input. I'm sure it would reduce the size of the game memory and make it run smoother.

    The extra space it creates could then be used to improve the game play in matches.

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