OK, so SOMEONE please explain this to me:
1) The guy who apparently put this guy on the auction list had my new player as his BEST player.
2) the guy is one level below me and I get a guy that is almost scout.
3) the guy has great team for level 3, cant figure out why he had to sell unless he was forced to sell after 7 days to make up a deficit.
4) if he was forced to sell, he only got $1.96M and he now has $2.08M, so he must have played a game if this happened, or sold another player?
I just realized that the news tidbit says a specific person and the link is to the person in the pic I have provided. What the hell?
Why the hell would he do this unless he was forced to? I am NOT complaining since I got a good deal, but hey, I just want to know.