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i have a manager in my league he is 1st at the moment,at the beginning of season he bough all new players in 5 of those are in what i class as attacking eg AMR/AML/AMC all were 22yrs players he then obviously power trained them all to between 145-155 including SPs his attack % is above 148% nearly 149% now but his defence is only 114% midfield 137% surely this a completely inbalanced side and should show in the game engine over 30% between attack and defence will surely open him up to more defeats against good sides at the moment im the only one close in % to him rest of league are nowhere, i've lost two games one to him and other i class as troll his team was also trolled on same day. hes sitting pretty at top of league but to me he is a prime candidate to be trolled more later in season