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I thought this day would never come but it has.. I have deleted the Top Eleven App as it has become too frustrating and illogical. I have been playing for 22 seasons and for the first twenty the game was fun. I won a total of 13 trophies in that time, not dominating, but it was enjoyable and it kept me interested. I would pay 9.99 a season as this is about what I could afford. But since they've made the changes the last few seasons it has become apparent that winning ANY trophy is impossible. It has been the same script the last three seasons or so, finish 4th, eliminated in the cups by abandoned inferior teams that have no business being competitive. Today was the last straw, playing a team that is about 30% weaker, abandoned, etc, etc (We all know the script). Within the first 4 minutes of the game I was down 2-0 at home. I left the game and deleted the app. Its over folks, Nordeus destroyed the game and they don't care. Well guess what? I no longer care either, I won't give them another penny. I'll stick to FIFA. Goodbye Top Eleven.