I was just wondering if there is any maximum limit of the number of "friends" you can have. I currently have 106.
I was just wondering if there is any maximum limit of the number of "friends" you can have. I currently have 106.
There is no limit of friends from what I know.
i took off alot of my friends i hate annoying tactical friends who are in the same league as you and try to ruin your season by challenging you in friendlies with their 2nd team..rrrrgh!!!
i dont think there is a limit
Chairman and Owner of the Legendary
Viper FC
yeah there is no limit but i delete much friends that over my league level..
and tho one who also arrange friendly too often with me..
Just found out.
YES. There is a limit. I tried to add another friend yesterday and the game wouldn't let me as I had the maximum allowed. It is 110.
Last edited by Raykco; 12-08-2012 at 11:30 PM.